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Cabot Serious Snacks sharp cheddar cheese: What makes this a serious snack? Is it the fact that it's a portable cheese snack that isn't string cheese? Is it that the cheddar is much more sharp than your typical snack? Or perhaps that a single, rectangular bar contains 25% of your daily serving of saturated fat? I think it is all of the above, but at the end of the day, don't let the 80 calorie stamp fool you. Did I mention it contains 25% of your recommended allowance for saturated fat? I'd prefer a snack to be both more satisfyi... (read more) 2.5/5.0

cabot cheese cheddar sharpcheddar 2.5 serious sharp
1064845783894099442 1397986312

Frito Lay Oven Baked Cheetos: Here, Frito-Lay continues its venture into healthier snacking, yet doesn't abandon the iconic Chester seal of approval. The oven-baked cheese crackers have a less tangy "cheddar" flavor than its fried (?) counterpart. Most strikingly, the chips are less airy and don't melt-in-your-mouth like the regular snack does. Overall, it's a decently filling snack that does the job of satiating mid-day hunger. 3.0/5.0

cheetos cheese fritolay chips 3.0 oven baked
1063796928863831995 1397986312

Haioreum roasted chestnuts:: I love chestnuts, but apparently not in this form. The way they're preserved gives each chestnut an unpleasantly wet and slimy exterior. The flavor is slightly sweet and nutty but also strangely earthly, like mushrooms. Each pack contains about two servings worth of snacking. From Hmart. 2.0/5.0

chestnut hmart 2.0 haioreum roasted chestnuts:
1063799366274549756 1397986312

Bamboo Lane crunchy rice rollers: A very simple dessert containing crispy rice and sugar, this snack comes in a large, cylindrical form, making them slightly awkward to eat. Nonetheless, it's a satisfying healthy snack with a very light level of sweetness. Like most rice snacks, though, it's not the most filling. 3.5/5.0

bamboolane rice ricesnack recommended 3.5 crunchy rollers
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Pocky Demitasse: Stockier than your usual Pocky snack, these crackers are dark chocolate flavored biscuit covered in a generous layer of dark chocolate. The chocolate flavor is nice and bitter, and the snack feels substantial and rich despite its smaller size. Likely the best Pocky I've had. 4.0/5.0

pocky japanese darkchocolate chocolate recommended cracker 4.0 demitasse
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Steamed red-bean peach-shaped buns: A sign of longevity, these peach-shaped buns are typically gifted to the elderly in Chinese culture. I found this particular brand of pre-made, frozen buns in a Chinatown grocery store in Boston. Though a serving size is a single bun, I eat two for breakfast to feel satiated. The buns are surprisingly good steamed in a rice cooker; the amount of steamed white bread feels substantial, and the red bean filling is sweet, but not overpoweringly so. The air-brushed peach accents are impressive, e... (read more) 4.0/5.0

redbean chinese peach pastry bread recommended dessert 4.0 steamed red-bean peach-shaped buns