1046776577097237548 1397986312

Dancing Deer molasses clove cookie: Nicely spiced cookie that I purchased from the Leanbox. I'm assuming the refrigeration affected the texture, but it was a crunchy. Not too sweet, with a satisfying molasses flavor. 3.5/5.0

dancingdeer molasses cookie sweets 3.5 recommended clove
1046778555080672363 1397986312

Q's Nuts Mexican chocolate pecans: Too often, chocolate nuts are completely covered in chocolate, making them more like candy bars than nuts. These pecans were more dusted than coated, with a chocolate powder that was textured and rich. Yet, the pecans remained the star of the snack. Very well balanced. 4.0/5.0

nuts pecans mexicanchocolate chocolate qsnuts recommended 4.0 mexican
1045308691191203000 1397986312

Keebler cinnamon elf graham's: I received this pack as a complimentary snack on JetBlue. While I appreciate that it was free, there aren't any other good things about this snack. The crackers were lacking, with a very thin spiced flavor. 2.5/5.0

crackers keebler cinnamon graham grahamcrackers 2.5 elf graham's
1045311548711798002 1397986312

365 ginger snap cookies: Solid spiced ginger flavor. Cookies have the perfect level of crunch-not too thick or dense. Sweetness from molasses is not overpowering. Great with milk. Very good budget snack. 4.0/5.0

365 wholefoods gingersnaps ginger cookie recommended sweets 4.0 snap cookies
1040991120052749760 1397986312

Pocky Chocolate Banana: Chocolate Pocky biscuits dipped in a "banana" coating. Ingredients say contains less than one percent of artificial flavors and banana powder...flavor matches description. Tastes like banana flavored Runts, which is very different than actual bananas. Too sweet and very artificial. 2.0/5.0

pocky chocolate banana 2.0
1039517611598316713 1397986312

Kind peanut butter and dark chocolate bars: Great texture; mostly chewy, but quinoa and other grains add crunch. Flavor itself is classic and not particularly exciting, but the snack overall is wholesome and something you can feel good about. 3.5/5.0

kind granolabar chocolate peanutbutter grains oats quinoa buckwheat 3.5 peanut butter dark bars