1053148532939458417 1397986312

Horizon Peanut Butter Sandwich crackers: Really nice quality peanut butter. The problem is that there is only a sliver of it about a millimeter thick in each sandwich. The filling to cracker ratio is off. Additionally, the crackers are seasoned so that the dominant taste after a few pieces is salt. Which is probably good for portion control, since only 12 of these crackers make up a serving. At least for me, this is not nearly enough to feel any level of satiation. Definitely made for kids with smaller appetites. 2.5/5.0

organic horizon peanutbutter sandwich crackers peanut butter 2.5
1051757593939445001 1397986312

365 Organic Crunchy Cinnamon Squares: This cereal falls somewhere in between Golden Graham's and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Spiced sweetened brown rice squares. Holds up well in milk. Not bad, but not particularly memorable. 3.0/5.0

cereal 365 wholefoods 3.0 organic cinnamon brownrice breakfast crunchy squares
1050700271347598619 1397986312

Kung Fu Tea honey green tea: Accidentally ordered this one with full sugar level, and it was insanely sweet. I also think it wasn't mixed properly because the first half was sweeter than the second. Boba was on the soft side. Honey overpowered the green tea. From KFT in Allston. 2.0/5.0

honey greentea bobatea bubbletea kungfutea allston 2.0 drinks tea green
1050702409427617120 1397986312

Herr's baked aged cheddar chips: I purchased these from a vending machine in lab since it was the only healthier choice option I saw. This is the first time I had chips that tasted like Kraft Mac and cheese cheese powder. Definitely on the salty side. Very few chips (I believe around 13) per bag. Serving size is probably the main reason this is one of the lower calorie vending machine options. 1.5/5.0

herrs potatochips chips agedcheddar cheddar 1.5 avoid baked aged
1051090955976083055 1397986312

Maine Root spicy ginger brew: Stronger than your typical ginger beer. A good amount of sugar (40g per bottle) but the sweetness balances the gingery sharpness. Carbonation level is light. A solid drink that's conveniently accessible. 3.5/5.0

soda gingerbeer ginger drinks maineroot 3.5 recommended spicy brew
1051092891789985445 1397986312

Cedar's chipotle hummus: The smoky flavor of this hummus is overpowering and leaves a very strong aftertaste. Seasoning is quite high, so it's best eaten with a very neutral food. 2.0/5.0

hummus cedar chipotle chickpeas cedars 2.0