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Shake Shack Surf 'n Turf burger: A New England exclusive, this burger is topped with fresh lobster in a light mayo sauce. I purchased mine from the Shake Shack on Newbury Street in Boston. The amount of lobster was fair for the price (at $8.99 a burger) and while the texture of the lobster was good, it didn't hold up to the flavor of the burger (mine was overlooked, no pinkness in sight). The remaining aftertaste was pure beef and no seafood. The best part was the potato bun, which as far as I know, is not unique to this li... (read more) 3.0/5.0

shakeshack surfnturf lobster burger boston 3.0 surf 'n turf
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Rogue Voodoo Doughnuts pretzel, raspberry, and chocolate ale: I generally don't drink beer, but I sampled this one in the name of snacks. This ale was inspired by a flavored doughnut from the Voodoo Doughnuts shops in Portland. The chocolate and raspberry flavor came through in the finish, and perhaps the pretzel flavor was captured in the earlier savory notes. Not something I can imagine drinking a full cup, but interesting.

voodooDoughnuts ale beer pretzel raspberry chocolate doughnut rogue voodoo doughnuts
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Ocean's Halo Korean BBQ seaweed chips: The first thing I noticed upon opening this package was its scent, which is eerily similar to fish food. Scent aside, the taste is almost exactly as you would expect fish food to taste. Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing; these words are coming from someone who grew up eating various seafood snacks liked dried squid and eel which might make western palates squeamish. But the flavor is not bad-the purple chips are crunchy and thin, and the Korean bbq comes through with a familiar sweet a... (read more) 3.5/5.0

oceanhalo seaweed koreanbbq bbq organic 3.5 recommended oceanshalo korean chips
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Horizon cheddar sandwich crackers: Made with better ingredients than Ritz for sure, but honestly not that different in taste. On the salty side. Pricy for what it is. Not a filling snack like its peanut butter sandwich counterpart, which I previously reviewed. 2.5/5.0

horizon organic cheddar crackers sandwich 2.5
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Droste mint pastilles: Dutch half-dome-shaped chocolates with crystals of mint-flavored sugar sprinkled throughout. Chocolate has a good snap. Flavor is not bad but not especially special. 3.0/5.0

chocolate droste dutch mint pastilles 3.0
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Annie's Cheddar Snack Mix: Contains pretzels, cheddar bunny crackers, and buttery crackers. Mixed together, the buttery crackers don't taste much different than the cheddar crackers, which means there are essentially only two types in this mix: pretzels and cheese crackers. Technically, I suppose that's the least number you can have that still constitutes a \"mix,\" but I would argue this box lacks variety. Moreover, it gets pretty salty after a few handfuls. Not one of the better Annie's snacks. 2.5/5.0

annies cheddar crackers pretzels cheese 2.5 organic bunnies snack mix