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Bonchi Ponsuke Nori-Aji: One of my favorite things about Asian snacks is the combination of sweet and savory. These substantially-sized wheat crackers have a sweet, soy-like glaze with speckles of nori. Balance is very good. Texture is similar to a rice cracker, but slightly more dense. Very addicting. For the type of snack it is, it's one of the best I've had. From Japan. 4.5/5.0

japanese hmart exceptional wheat crackers nori soy bonchi 4.5 ponsuke nori-aji
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Yes Chips shrimp dressed in garlic: To be honest, the main reason I bought this snack was the ridiculousness of a shrimp wearing a head of garlic. Packaging aside, the chips themselves have a styrofoam-like texture, not unlike airy shrimp chips that were given to non-Asian diners in Chinese restaurants in the 90s. Still, the seafood flavor is actually quite good, and the garlic doesn't leave a strong aftertaste. The chips melt in your mouth (from all of the saturated fat, I'm sure). 3.5/5.0

yeschhips korean hmart shrimp seafood garlic chips 3.5 yeschips dressed in
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Kung Fu Tea Citron Tea: Made from jarred citron tea mix, this is nonetheless a refreshing citrus tea with rinds of lemon / orange. Boba was on the soft side but decent. Quickly learning that quality control varies a lot among the KFTs in Boston. This one in Boston on Mass Ave near the Christian Science Church is alright. 3.0/5.0

tea citron citrus orange lemon bubbletea drinks boba kungfutea 3.0 boston
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KDP Corn Silk Tea: This calorie and sugar-free tea has a rich flavor reminiscent of barley tea. It isn't one of the better teas I've purchased from Hmart, but it's not bad per se. Tastes a little bit syrupy. 2.5/5.0

cornsilktea drinks korean hmart tea corn 2.5 kdp silk
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Laurel Hill jalapeño potato chips: While the chips are inconsistently flavored and seasoned (with some tasting like plain potato chips and some having too much jalapeñ flavoring), the chips themselves are light and crispy. Jalapeñ flavor, when you can taste it, has a snackable amount of heat. Decent. 3.0/5.0

potatochips laurelhill jalapeno chips crisps jalapeño potato 3.0
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Earth Balance vegan cheddar squares: Surprisingly flavorful and tangy cheddar snack crackers. Very addicting. Sharp cheese flavor. Top 25% of cheese crackers I've had. 4.0/5.0

earthbalance cheddar crackers recommended 4.0 cheese vegan squares