Popcorners Spicy Queso Popped-Corn Chips: These "Tex-me" inspired chips have a zingy and slightly spicy aftertaste thanks to the addition of red and black peppercorns. Definitely distinctive from ordinary nacho-flavored chips, so is worth a try if you're looking for a new spin on a cheesy classic. The chips themselves are like other Pop-Chips; light and baked rather than fried, they feel healthier yet similarly indulgent as potato chips. 3.5/5.0
recommended chips popcorners spicy queso popped-corn 3.5Popcorners Cinema Style Popped Corn Chips: Had these on a recent Jet Blue flight. The name makes you wonder if "Buttered Popcorn" just did not market well at all. It does capture the essence of movie theater popcorn, with a rich buttery taste of questionable origin (is it really butter, or just oil with a bit of flavoring? I would rather not know). Not a snack I would want to eat more than a bag of. 2.5/5.0
popcorners cinema style popped corn chips 2.5PopCorners Cheesy Jalapeño Chips: I've generally been a fan of Pop Corners, a mainstream popcorn chip brand whose products are flavorful without being over-seasoned. After stumbling across the jalapeñ cheddar flavor for the first time, I decided to give it a try. With the first chip, I thought the heat level was quite weak, but the jalapeñ sneaks up on you after several more. The flavor is kind of junk-food-like but in a satisfyingly healthy way, as you know you're eating popcorn and not some deep fried potato chip. I went t... (read more) 3.5/5.0
popcorners recommended 3.5 chips popcorn jalapeno cheddar cheesy jalapeñoPopcorners kettle flavored chips: Light and airy popped corn chips with a sweet coating. A satisfying snack that's actually fairly healthy. 4.0/5.0
popcorners popcorn corn chips kettle recommended flavored 4.0