1027554174307697867 1397986312

Kettle Real Sliced Potatoes sea salt + vinegar potato chips: Like the bbq flavored chips I previously reviewed, these are similar in texture: thicker and crunchier than most. The problem with this bag is that the flavor is unevenly distributed, with some very tart mouthfuls and some barely seasoned. Not one of the better salt and vinegar chips I've had. 2.5/5.0

kettle chips potatochips saltandvinegar 2.5 real sliced potatoes sea salt + vinegar potato
1025694490915276594 1397986312

Loacker hazelnut Quadratini: Square-shaped wafer cookies that taste like a bite of Nutella. In the summer heat, the chocolate melts slightly, making the wafers even more delicious. Good quality ingredients. A very reliable snack. 4.0/5.0

#recommended #quadratini #loacker #chocolate #hazelnut #wafers #4.0
1025696833517946740 1397986312

Kettle Real Sliced Potatoes hickory honey bbq potato chips: Why brands put "real" in their product names is beyond me - what's unreal about the original product line? Nonetheless, these chips seem to be cut thicker than normal, with a ring around them showing the skin of the potato. Good crunch. BBQ flavor is not distinctive but not bad either. 3.0/5.0

kettle potatochips chips potato bbq smoked 3.0 real sliced potatoes hickory honey
1024940869604902594 1397986312

Kameda Ageichiban: Japanese rice crackers individually wrapped with a half-dome, textured shape. Crunchy and slightly sweet. Tastes like a familiar yet improved rice cake. Addicting. 3.5/5.0

japanese ricecracker ageichiban hmart recommended 3.5 kameda
1024943305732163331 1397986312

Larabar cashew cookie: Personally, I'm not a fan of health energy bars with a shiny, slick coating that reminds you of a factory. Calling this cookie flavored is a stretch. Chewy and dense texture. 2.0/5.0

larabar cashew energybar avoid 2.0 cookie
1023525112362862020 1397986312

Life Alive ginger crush juice: Disappointing weak ginger flavor, though it did leave a tingly feeling in my throat afterwards. Wish it were much stronger. Seemed almost like ginger flavored water rather than a ginger juice. 2.5/5.0

lifealive cambridge ginger drinks juice 2.5 crush