1023528091518273039 1397986312

Perky Jerky Jamaican style turkey jerky: A wet rather than dry jerky, similar to what you might get with Asian-style jerky. Unexpectedly, the taste reminded me of Chinese sausage since it had a pretty sweet flavor. Spice mix finished with a bit of heat. Good quality turkey meat. 3.5/5.0

jerky turkey perkyjerky jamaican recommended meat 3.5 style
1023535134266394332 1397986312

Tao Kae Noi seafood flavored crispy seaweed: I've become pretty fond of this line of seaweed snacks: each piece of seaweed has a unique, crispy texture, but it's still thin so it feels like a light snack. The seafood flavor contains a mix of cuttlefish, shrimp, and crab. Definitely distinctly seafood in a sort of traditional Asian way, but I like it. Too bad each bag only had 2 servings. 3.5/5.0

taokaenoi seafood seaweed thai recommended hmart flavored crispy 3.5
1022843139185215409 1397986312

Bagelsaurus oatmeal chocolate chip cookie: My favorite part of eating an oatmeal cookie is the texture-the more whole oats, the better. This cookie didn't have that texture at all. In fact, if I didn't purchase it, I probably wouldn't have known it had oatmeal. The texture otherwise, though, was pretty good: soft and chewy. Very sweet overall. 3.0/5.0

bagelsaurus cambridge cookie chocolate oatmeal sweets chip 3.0
1021738517720761628 1397986312

Harvest deluxe whole cranberries: Plump and exceptionally good cranberries that work great in oatmeals or salad. Very sweet, like most dried fruit, so use wisely but sparingly. 4.0/5.0

harvest cranberries driedfruit recommended 4.0 deluxe whole
1021740372332938599 1397986312

Wallaby organic plain lowfat yogurt: This "creamy Australian" yogurt is incredibly runny and thin. Doesn't have enough body to feel satisfying. Plain flavor lacks any tartness. 2.5/5.0

wallaby yogurt organic plain 2.5 wallabyorganic lowfat
1021743666069538268 1397986312

Trader Joe's kettle popped popcorn chips: Whole grain, circular chips that are light but flavorful. Each chip has an addicting sweet and salty coating. Contains ingredients you can feel good about (e.g., chia seeds, quinoa, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds) but doesn't taste like bad health food; in fact, it's very tasty in its own right. 4.0/5.0

traderjoes popcorn chips recommended 4.0 chia flax quinoa sunflowerseefs kettlecorn kettle popped