japanese (360)
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Pxl 20210121 061117456

Calbee 大人の ポテリッチ カマンベールベーコン味 Camembert Bacon Flavor Potato Chips: According to the press release for this limited edition flavor, Calbee introduced a line of ポテリッチ "Potato Rich" chips for adults in October 2020 partially in response to the trend of increased drinking at home due to the pandemic – these chips are meant to pair well with alcohol. The combination of meat with cheese was surprising to me, and as far as I know is not actually something that's done here in Japan. The actual flavor is a combination of bacon and camembert, and you can definitely... (read more) 3.0/5.0

chips japanese camembert bacon lawson calbee 大人の ポテリッチ カマンベールベーコン味 flavor potato 3.0
Pxl 20210111 105813302

Koikeya Mozzarella and lemon potato chips: In theory, this unexpected mozzarella and lemon combination seems like it would be a bit odd, but it's actually surprisingly good, like a more creamy and mild sour cream and onion flavor with a lemon kick. The acidic lemon seasoning is the first taste you get, but the chips have a milky and tangy finish, almost like a sour yogurt. I'm generally not a big fan of the cheese flavored snacks I've had here in Japan, but this is definitely an exception. Purchased at Lawson 100. 4.0/5.0

lawson japanese recommended cheese potatochips koikeya mozzarella lemon potato chips 4.0
Pxl 20210111 105846577

Happy Pocket Zackey Strawberry Wafer: Purchased this box of square, individually-wrapped wafers from the 100¥ Lawson convenience store. It consists of two different layers: a thicker strawberry icing filling, with bits of freeze dried fruit, and a thinner chocolate layer. The dried fruit was refreshingly tart, the wafers crispy but otherwise fairly ordinary. I haven't seen it elsewhere than the 100¥ store, which makes me think it's probably on the low end of the junk food totem pole. 3.0/5.0

japanese lawson happypocket zackey strawberry wafer 3.0
Pxl 20210110 073415001 2

今川焼千駄木 Imagawayaki red been wheel cake : I took a detour on my daily walk and came across this small shop with a decently sized line. Since there are no tourists in Japan right now, lines are for sure signs of a local favorite. The little stand only sells imagawayaki, which are enclosed wheel-shaped pancakes filled with red bean. They have three flavors on the menu: red bean, custard, and one other that I couldn't figure out through direct translation (しるあん), and all of them are made to order using a traditional Japanese mold. They... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional sendagi japanese dessert tokyo imagawayaki red been wheel cake 4.5
Pxl 20201210 113648919

Sunny Mart まじめなおかし Yuzu Biscuits: Purchased from Natural Lawson, a popualar convenience store, these round biscuits with scallop edges are thick and crunchy, rather than flaky like Ritz crackers. They have a glazed coating that has a sweet tangy citrus flavor. But they are also heavily seasoned, probably the saltiest snack I've had in Japan, so I never wanted to eat much of it. Not recommended. 2.0/5.0

japanese avoid crackers biscuit naturallawson lawson sunnymart まじめなおかし yuzu biscuits 2.0
Pxl 20201121 115334160

中央製乳 愛知の梨アイス Pear Milk Ice Cream: Fruit is generally quite expensive in Japan, and it feels even more so because of the very small portion sizes – there's no so much thing as buying a large 1lb bag of grapes here. Fruits are also very seasonal, so for the most part, I've been eating only bananas and oranges and I seem to have missed pear season. That's why when I saw this pear dessert in the ice cream aisle, I was excited to try it. I had expected it to be a sherbet or even a type of Italian ice from its packaging, but it... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional icecream queensisetan japanese 愛知の梨アイス pear milk ice cream 4.5