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Hongluo honey twist cookies: From Beijing, these wheat cookies have a sticky glaze and a spare scattering of sesame seeds. They're packaged individually and come in a pleasantly ornate twisted shape. Unfortunately, I found the cookie to be dense yet oddly chewy on the exterior, probably due to the glaze. Overall, they were too sweet for my taste. 2.5/5.0

hongluo chinese cookies sesame honey 2.5 twist
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Kobe Fugetsudo Gaufres: Kobe Fugetsudo is an established Japanese confectionery brand offering various cookies and sweets. Without realizing they were called gaufres, I grew up eating mini gaufres from my local Chinese supermarket. Gaufres are sandwich cookies with wafer-like crisps and a thin layer of cream between. The Kobe Fugetsudo version is massive, at about 6.5" in diameter and just a couple millimeters thick. Unlike the store-bought cookies I had growing up, these wafers are crispy and light with a faint sw... (read more) 4.0/5.0

kobefugetsudo japanese gaufres wafer strawberry 4.0 recommended
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Brown Cow vanilla Greek yogurt: Of the four I tried, this flavor was the most distinctive. It's on the sweet side but has a nice mellow vanilla flavor and creamy texture. 3.5/5.0

yogurt browncow greekyogurt vanilla recommended greek 3.5
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Brown Cow blueberry Greek yogurt: Standard fruit-on-the-bottom fare here. Decent quality yogurt that is not as thick as great Greek yogurt, but good for the price. 3.0/5.0

yogurt 3.0 browncow blueberry greek
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Choripdong Digestive Cream Sand Biscuit: Individually wrapped Korean sandwich cookies with a mildly sweet, crumbly biscuit flavored with sesame seeds and a light cream filling. I like how it's not crunchy and thick like many digestives, and the snack overall feels mostly healthful although it's a dessert. 3.5/5.0

choripdong korean hmart 3.5 recommended cookies digestives sesame biscuits digestive cream sand biscuit
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Jane-Jane Hot Prepared Shredded Squid: I grew up eating this dried squid snack and continue eating it to this day. The stringy texture makes is more manageable and snackable than jerky, and its heavy MSG seasoning is full of umami. The Hot is not exactly spicy but had a satisfying kick. It's also just a little bit sweet. 3.5/5.0

squid janejane hmart seafood 3.5 recommended msg chinese hot prepared shredded