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Brown Cow strawberry Greek yogurt: Like the peach flavored yogurt, this one has a tart flavor and creamy consistency. The strawberry flavoring is familiar - not bad, but not great. 3.0/5.0

browncow strawberry yogurt greekyogurt wholefoods 3.0 greek
1233021112616781141 1397986312

Brown Cow peach Greek yogurt: Nonfat Greek yogurt with peach fruit on the bottom. More running than Fage but not bad. Decent quality for the price point. I got them on sale 5 for $5, so get ready for a lot of reviews. 3.0/5.0

yogurt browncow greekyogurt peach 3.0 greek
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Echo Farm miracle's chocolate pudding: I had a craving for pudding, and the only reasonably priced option at Whole Foods was chocolate. Not my first choice (I prefer rice or tapioca), but I thought I would give this brand a shot. This pudding is made from whole milk, Ghiardelli cocoa, vanilla extract, corn starch, and vanilla extract. These simple and straightforward ingredients make for a homely and satisfying treat. I have no experience purchasing pudding in anything but single-serving containers, but it seemed like there was s... (read more) 3.5/5.0

echofarm pudding chocolate wholefoods dessert 3.5 recommended ghiardelli miracle's
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Late July nacho chipotle tortilla chips: I previous found these chips lacking in flavor and scored them a 3.0, but the most recent batch I purchased was notably more robust, with a zesty and slightly spicy kick. Overall, I found it pretty unique for a nacho chip, though the serving size is disappointingly small. 3.5/5.0

latejuly nachos tortilla chipotle chips wholefoods 3.5 recommended nacho
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Noosa blueberry flavored yogurt: Australian yogurt that is slightly thicker than normal American yogurt but not as dense as greek yogurt. The consistency of the yogurt itself is very good and has a rich flavor. Accompanying the yogurt is a mix of blueberry fruit-on-the-bottom-esque "sauce" with whole blueberries. On the whole, I found this flavoring to be overly sweet, but the texture of the whole fruit is good. 3.0/5.0

noosa yogurt blueberry 3.0 flavored
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Skeeter chocolate chip cookies: Snack-sized cookies that taste exactly like Chips Ahoy. Crumbly, crunchy, mostly dry. Hey, it was free. 1.5/5.0

jetblue skeeter chocolatechip cookies 1.5 chocolate chip