Trader Joe’s Watermelon Jerky: These compressed and dehydrated watermelon jerky strips are disorienting - they have a chewy texture reminiscent of Fruit Roll Up, yet maintain the fibrous quality of fresh watermelon as it lingers on your tongue. It instantly gets stuck in your teeth. But it does have a remarkable watermelon flavor - sweet and a little bit tangy. I enjoyed it but am not sure I’d purchase it again. The bag is single serving, but it’s sweet enough to want to spread across a few. 3.0/5.0
organic traderjoes watermelon jerky 3.0 fruitKabaya Watermelon Gummies: Softer than most gummy candies, falling more towards the marshmallow end of chewy textures, with Haribo on the opposite extreme. Shaped like little watermelon wedges and coated with sugar. Tastes like typically watermelon-flavored candy, which doesn't quite taste like real watermelon but would be recognizable nonetheless. Purchased at a Lawson drugstore. 2.5/5.0
japanese candy lawson kabaya watermelon gummies 2.5Found Watermelon Basil Sparkling Refreshment: Found is a beverage company claiming to create its own category of carbonated fruit drinks; according to its site, it is neither seltzer, soda or tonic, but a "naturally sparkling refreshment." Its marketing also claims that the carbonation exists naturally at its source. I'm not sure how much I buy into their story, but I do think the beverage itself is very good. I like fizzy carbonated water, and this is more carbonated than most bottled products. The watermelon flavor reminds me a bi... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended drinks carbonated found watermelon basil sparkling refreshment 3.5Num Pang Watermelon Juice: A pure, unadulterated cup of sweet and refreshing watermelon juice. Good if you aren't willing to buy a whole watermelon just for yourself. 3.0/5.0
drinks numpang watermelon juice 3.0Mr. Wish Watermelon Slush: It’s just pure, unadulterated watermelon juice. 3.0/5.0
drinks nyc fruit mrwish watermelon slush 3.0Detroit Water Ice Mango and watermelon ice: Seeking a local treat, I found myself at Detroit Water Ice, a store specializing in flavored ice that falls somewhere between Italian ice and Icee. After sampling their intensely and unappetizingly sweet cinnamon horchata, I inquired about their least sweet options. With a Kiddie combo of watermelon and mango in hand, I left with a not-so-kid-sized cup of generally smooth shaved ice - soft but not watery, and fully saturated with fruit concentrate. Reminded me of otter pops in flavor, rather... (read more) 3.0/5.0
frozen sweet dessert detroitwaterice mango watermelon ice 3.0