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Grom torroncino gelato: I've been to Grom in NYC and also in Paris, but I was excited to try it in its originating country: Italy. During my trip to Trento, I bought the most Italian flavor I saw: torronico. The gelato is creamy and rich, and they mix in bits of almond nougat that are crunchy and nutty. The best part was definitely the texture; overall, the flavor was just a tad too sweet. I've heard from the locals that Grom has lost a bit of its artisanal street cred because of its recent acquisition by a large c... (read more) 3.5/5.0

trento italy 3.5 gelato icecream torrone torroncino grom recommended
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Cortese ginger soft drink: This Italian mixer strangely contains no ginger. Instead, it had carrot juice and safflower. The flavor is slightly acidic, on the sweet side, and has no expected kick. It comes in a vivid red color. 2.5/5.0

soda drinks cortese ginger carrot 2.5 italian soft drink
1254835512281433217 1397986312

Danone cherry yogurt: Beyond the foreign labeling, this joghurt tastes just like regular Dannon. On the sweet side, with a thin consistency and a couple slivers of fruit. 2.0/5.0

dannon yogurt cherry 2.0 danone
1254832834721645606 1397986312

Warsteiner pretzels: I thought just maybe these German pretzels would taste better than American ones given the cultural heritage, but on the flip side, there's some comfort in the familiarity and universality of mediocre in-flight pretzels everywhere. 1.5/5.0

pretzels 1.5 warsteiner ifyoumust
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bevi sparkling water: In my lab's recent leanbox takeover, we've acquired a carbonated beverage machine that has several options for flavored water. I have tried all but the lime and mint flavor and green tea, both drinks I normally wouldn't choose to drink. There are a "bevy" of other options to chose from anyway (well, 3), with two flavor strength options. This review also only covers the sparkling water, as I'm uninterested in the still option. The sparkling water on its own has a slightly mineral taste but is... (read more) 3.0/5.0

leanbox bevi drinks water sparklingwater 3.0 sparkling
1254056787776406774 1397986312

Tootsie Roll Watermelon Tootsie Roll Pop: In a bowl of free Tootsie Roll Pops at CopyTech at MIT, I came across this watermelon lollipop, a flavor I hadn't previously encountered. According to Wikipedia, it was introduced in 2004. I wouldn't be surprised if I haven't had a Tootsie Roll Pop in about a decade, but I do have a "soft" spot for Tootsie Rolls generally. Unsurprisingly, the watermelon flavor tastes nothing like the real fruit, yet is not wildly artificial in the way Jolly Ranchers or other hard candies might be. That said,... (read more) 2.5/5.0

tootsieroll candy watermelon chocolate 2.5 tootsie roll pop