985104403144148591 1397986312

Lawless Jerky Mango habanero beef jerky: Excellent flavor that's slightly sweet and fruity but ends with a pleasant amount of heat. Very good quality, grass-fed beef. Some pieces are more moist than others-the moister ones are fantastic. A little salty, but not bad for jerky more generally. Highly recommend. 4.5/5.0

beefjerky jerky beef mango habanero exceptional lawlessjerky grassfed 4.5
983234677841364148 1397986312

Gringo Jack's Chilie rubbed flaky tortilla chips: Intriguing texture. The closest thing I can compare it to is the fried corn snacks sometimes served at takeout Chinese restaurants (with a side of duck sauce), but a thinner, flakier version. Not a healthy snack: although the texture is lighter than normal chips, these are certainly deep fried, even if it's using high quality oils. The chilie flavor is lightly smoked with a balanced level of seasoning. Maybe more interesting than good overall. 3.5/5.0

gringojacks chips tortilla chile wholefoods flaky chilie rubbed 3.5
983238185621685506 1397986312

Sweet Scoops Candied ginger frozen yogurt: Likely the creamiest frozen yogurt I've had. You can definitely tell it's yogurt and not ice cream, but it's smooth and satisfying nonetheless. Unfortunately, the frozen yogurt overall is too sweet. A shame since it doesn't need extra sweetening as each mouthful already has several pieces of candied ginger. I would have preferred that the candied ginger were harder to add texture. Nice vanilla undertones. If there were less sugar, this would be a winner. 3.5/5.0

sweetscoops frozenyogurt yogurt dessert sweets ginger wholefoods candied frozen 3.5
981851246964278882 1397986312

Polly-O string cheese: Of all string cheese brands available at major supermarkets, this one is my favorite for a few reasons. First, it's not overly salty (like stringsters). It's also reasonably priced. Not the most flavorful, but a decent snack nonetheless. 3.5/5.0

stringcheese pollyo cheese dairy recommended string 3.5
981853017749096085 1397986312

Popcorn Indiana original kettle corn: Not the first time I've had this snack but the first time I'm reviewing it. Very good balance of salty and sweet. I like how the popcorn has a glaze to it, and it has good texture. Tasty, and like most popcorn snacks, feels more substantial since you can have more of it for less calories. 4.0/5.0

popcorn kettlecorn popcornindiana recommended original kettle corn 4.0
981855380819969753 1397986312

Nice Choice honey dew melon cake: Similar to pineapple cake but with a deep green, melon-flavored interior. From Taiwan. Buttery exterior with filling that is just sweet enough. Melon interior is substantial and slightly chewy. A nice dessert. 3.5/5.0

honeydew cake taiwan asian dessert sweets nicechoice recommended hmart honey dew melon 3.5