Sun Tropics Thai Bird Sriracha Mochi Snack Bites: It's been interesting to see crunchy mochi snacks show up in more and more places, especially when their product placement is side by side with the chewy dessert mochi that's more familiar. I personally was not such a fan of the Trader Joe's mochi bites, which are overseasoned, but I did enjoy these sweet and spicy Thai bird sriracha flavored ones that I purchased from Ballard Market. The little nuggets are dense yet crispy, definitely get stuck in your teeth, and are dusted with an orange... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended ballardmarket suntropics thai bird sriracha mochi snack bites 3.5Hippeas Sriracha Sunrise chickpea puffs: These corn-puff alternatives are made with ground chickpea and have a slightly crispier and denser consistency. The spicy Sriracha flavor has an impressive concentrated spicy sweet chili flavor. I wish the bag were bigger; four servings goes by quickly. 3.5/5.0
recommended spicy organic wholefoods hippeas sriracha sunrise chickpea puffs 3.5Way Better Snacks Sweet Chili Whole Grain Corn Tortilla Chips: I got these chips with my lunch and was pleasantly surprised by how good they were. They have a kind of sriracha flavor that is mildly sweet and whose heat builds up over time, and the chips have a satisfying crispy texture that feels healthy yet flavorful. The chips contain flax, quinoa, chia seeds, broccoli, and radish seeds. I don't really like plain tortilla chips because I never buy dips - these are multigrain chips that stand on their own! 4.0/5.0
recommended chips sriracha spicy multigrain waybettersnacks sweet chili whole grain corn tortilla 4.0Lotus Foods Sriracha Arare Rice Crackers: I sometimes feel guilty when I purchase the Western version of classic asian snacks, made with likely responsibly sourced ingredients and marketed with minimalist, sans-serif packaging. But having had Lotus Food’s Arare rice crackers in the past, I had a sense that the difference in quality would be worthwhile, and it was. Black, red, and yellow rice crackers in a variety of shapes, from stars to squares, have a clear sheen from a chili-flavored glaze. They’re satisfying crunchy, and the hea... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended berkeleybowl asian ricecrackers lotusfoods sriracha arare rice crackers 4.0Dang Sriracha sticky rice chips: Made with kernels of sticky rice puffed into circular rice cakes, this snack has a uniquely crispy texture far superior to any rice cake I’ve had before. The sriracha flavor has a memorable tangy sweet combination with just enough heat. Very snackable. Definitely worth trying for the awesome texture. 4.0/5.0
recommended berkeleybowl dang sriracha sticky rice chips 4.0Fuller Foods Seriously Cheesy Puffs Sriracha flavored baked cheese puffs: Hand crafted artisanal cheese puffs made in Portland, Oregon. Sounds like a Portlandia sketch, but true story. The cheese puffs are thinner and longer than typical cheese puffs, like 1.5x the volume of a Cheetos puff. Sriracha flavored puffs have a dark red orange coating. Spicy flavor builds up quickly. Lacks the familiar sweetness of Sriracha, and tastes less like the Asian hot sauce and more like a stronger western one. Texture is very good - crispy yet airy, but flavor is quite frankly s... (read more) 2.5/5.0
cheesepuffs berkeleybowl fullerfoods seriously cheesy puffs sriracha flavored baked cheese 2.5