988801935665825389 1397986312

Frozen Kuhsterd champorado sundae: Hot and cold combination with warm, Filipino rice pudding and a scoop of ice cream (I selected Thai iced tea). Champorado is a chocolate rice pudding made with glutinous rice. This sundae was excellent-the ice cream was barely sweetened with a fantastic herbal flavor, and the texture of the pudding was surprising and delicious. Unfortunately, the warmth of the pudding caused the ice cream to melt very quickly, leading to more of a pudding soup. The sundae is expensive ($6.50), but the portio... (read more) 4.5/5.0

champorado ricepudding filipino exceptional fk frozenkusterd sanfrancisco offthegrid dessert icecream thaiicedtea pudding chocolate frozenkuhsterd sundae 4.5
990738597874533493 1397986312

365 tikka masala baked naan chips: A spiced twist on the classic pita chip. Texture is about the same (crunchy, dense) but the flavor is unique-it begins savory and ends sweet (with a touch of cinnamon and perhaps cardamom?). Small serving size of 8 chips. 3.5/5.0

chips naan indian tikkamasala wholefoods 365 recommended tikka masala baked 3.5
987010247058294193 1397986312

Whole Foods okra chips: Seemingly deep fried pieces of okra that are thick enough that biting through can be a challenge. Herby, nutty flavor. Intriguing but not particularly delicious. 2.5/5.0

wholefoods okra veggies chips 2.5
987011983701476838 1397986312

Pancake Bot pancake: Very fun to watch come together on the griddle. Pancake batter was Martha Stewart's recipe. Flavor was so so but I guess that's besides the point.

makerfaire pancakebot pancake
987280365906593676 1397986312

Trader Joe's wild salmon jerky: Texture is surprisingly similar to meat but the flavor is very fishy (not in a pleasant way). Brown sugar and maple syrup add a strange sweetness. Not good and expensive. 2.0/5.0

jerky salmon traderjoes avoid wild 2.0
987281851805894591 1397986312

Trader Joe's Inner Bean baked black bean snack: Unpleasant styrofoam texture that too easily gets stuck in your teeth. Very little flavor but salt. A lackluster snack. 1.0/5.0

traderjoes beans avoid inner bean baked black snack 1.0