Wanpo Tea Shop Black Rice & Taro with Coconut Milk: This is my second time getting a drink from this Taiwanese bubble tea shop, this time at their Shibuya location. Both times, the employees seemed to identify that I was Chinese and spoke to me in Mandarin, but I could barely cobble enough Chinese together to say that I didn't want the drink to be too sweet. This particular drink is almost like eating a dessert rather than a drink, containing more solid ingredients than liquid and reminding me of eating Taiwanese shaved ice, with its mix of... (read more) 2.5/5.0
drinks wanpoteashop black rice taro coconut milk 2.5Heaven & Earth Taro Chips: Kind of like Terra blue chips, these taro chips eat like they're one-level up from normal potato chips but really are just appealing to those who love potato chips but feel too guilty to eat Lay's. They consist of jus a few ingredients: taro, palm oil, and salt, and taste mostly of oil and salt; the chips are sliced impressively thin and have a crispy texture. Overall, tasty but a bit expected. 3.0/5.0
chips parkslopefoodcoop heavenearth taro 3.0Fong On Can't Go Wrong Tofu Pudding with Red Beans, Grass Jelly, and Taro Balls: Fong On is a small family-run tofu shop on Division Street in Chinatown, right next to the Manhattan Bridge. I found out about it from a profile in the New York Times a few months ago, describing how the long-standing neighborhood tofu shop, which had been open for 80 years, had recently relocated and reopened after the son took over the family business. They sell freshly made soy milk, rice cakes, and doufu hua, all traditional Chinese favorites. Doufu hua is kind of like getting frozen ... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended chinatown nyc tofu doufuhua doufu fongon can't go wrong pudding red beans grass jelly taro balls 3.5Besfren Taro and matcha soft serve: I stumbled upon this tiny pastry shop on my way to Penn Station from KTown and was impressed with the quality of their soft serve. Served in a large but slightly pricy cup (at $5.50), the purple and green ice cream swirl is well balanced and perfectly smooth. The creamy, slightly vegetal flavor of taro works surprisingly well with bitter matcha. My only quibble is that the way the soft serve was swirled gave it a hollow center, so I think a third of the cup I received was just an air pock... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended besfren taro matcha soft serve 3.5 nyc ktown softserve icecream dessertHappy Lemon Taro with fresh milk drink with boba: A tri-layer drink with boba at its base, a milk slush at the top, and bits of taro root sandwiched in between. Purchased at 0% sweetness, the boba, which had a honey coating, was sweet enough to keep the drink balanced. The taro root pieces had a good amount of bite and starchiness to give the drink extra substance. And the slushie was both creamy and rich. If you’re a fan of taro, you’ll like this drink! 3.5/5.0
recommended berkeley drinks bubble happylemon taro milk slushie boba 3.5Bhan Kanom Thai Sticky rice with taro: Wrapped in a banana leaf, this steamed dessert consists of long grain glutinous rice with a taro filling at the center. The quality of the rice is superb and quite possibly the best sticky rice I’ve had. It’s chewy but still has just enough bite. Perfumed with coconut water, the rice has a very faint sweet tropical flavor, while the taro adds additional richness and a contrasting soft and creamy texture. As far as classic desserts go, this traditional sticky rice was a revelation and at $1.5... (read more) 4.5/5.0
exceptional la losangeles dessert stickyrice bhankanomthai sticky rice taro 4.5