sweets (106)
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887317504296519186 1397986312

Mong Lee Sheng Taiwan mochi with green tea paste: The texture of the mochi is offputting (somewhere between chewing gum and proper mochi). The green tea flavor is common and lacks depth. Not overly sweet. 2.0/5.0

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885854058497475775 1397986312

Meisum Bakery peanut bun: Generous mochi dessert coated with coconut shavings and sweet peanut filling. The mochi itself is plump and soft, barely sweetened, while the peanut filling is slightly crunchy, lending a surprising texture. Overall, a very satisfying (and cheap!) snack. 4.0/5.0

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824637331005015647 1397986312

Backer Freude Stroopwaffelm: Captures the flavor of a Belgian waffle with a soft, caramel layer sandwiched between two waffle cookies. A sweet German treat. 3.5/5.0

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747324594365695380 1397986312

Sofra semolina and pistachio cake: Moist, not too sweet. perfect size for a small snack. 3.5/5.0

sofra semolina pistachio cake recommended sweets
747328351639995871 1397986312

Mitsuwa Chicago mochi red bean cake: Rubbery texture outside, difficult to chew, filling ok. overall, not worth it. 1.5/5.0

mitsuwachicago mochi red bean cake avoid sweets
747329357744473591 1397986312

Trader Joe's toasted coconut cookie thins: Addictive, buttery coconut flavor. A good value. 3.0/5.0

traderjoes toasted coconut cookie thins sweets