Kiki Bakery Baked Lucky Pudding: This Japanese-style cheesecake combines a milky pudding base, with a caramelized bottom, with a cheesecake top. Denser than expected, the cake nonetheless has a light eggy flavor. The combination of moist pudding with cake should combine the best of both worlds in theory, but here the pudding outshines the cake, which eats a bit dry. Purchased at a small Asian bakery called Kiki’s, with its own black cat mascot (a nod to the Ghibli film). 3.0/5.0
seattle cheesecake pudding kikibakery baked lucky 3.0TP Tea Mulberry slush: TP Tea is a tea shop chain from Taiwan. I’ve previously had it in Cupertino and in Tokyo, and now I can visit the small shop in the International District in Seattle. The mulberry tea is a unique fruit tea offering, with macerated berries that lend a jammy texture to the iced drink. It reminds me of the great fruit teas I used to be able to get at Asha Tea in the Bay Area. Definitely recommend getting this if you’re in the mood for something other than milk tea! The quality of the boba was a... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended drinks seattle tptea mulberry slush 4.0Full Tilt Ice Cream Mango Strawberry Sorbet: Part ice cream shop, part arcade, Full Tilt is a chain of family friendly shops located in various parts of Seattle. Along with their colorful assortment of flavors is their equally colorful staff (many heavily pierced and tattooed, at least at the time of my visit to the Ballard location). The texture of the mango strawberry sorbet I purchased could have been smoother, but the flavor combination was unique, although a bit sweet. I'm hopeful that they're able to maintain a sanitary environ... (read more) 3.0/5.0
seattle icecream dessert fruit fulltilticecream mango strawberry sorbet 3.0Young Tea Roasted oolong tea with grass jelly: This small tea shop in Seattle's Chinatown / International District is just a few steps away from their impressively sized Mitsuwa Market. It takes pride in its traditional Chinese herbal teas, and it comes across clearly in their drinks. The oolong milk tea I had was just right: more tea than milk wth just a bit of sweetness at 50%. The grass jelly was one of the most memorable I've had, with a silky texture and slightly bitter flavor that complements the sweet tea. Highly recommended! 4.0/5.0
recommended tea milktea grassjelly seattle drinks youngtea roasted oolong grass jelly 4.0Rachel's Ginger Beer: A Seattle-based venture, Rachel's ginger beer is available at restaurants around the city but has a mix of ginger + fruit concoctions available on tap at its Pikes Place shop. I opted for the classic, and it definitely tasted fresh, inducing a sharp tingly feeling in the back of your throat. I've made ginger beers from scratch at home that taste very similar. In other words, there's an important distinction to make: it tasted homemade, but not artisanal. Not as balanced as I hoped it would b... (read more) 3.0/5.0
drinks soda seattle gingerbeer rachels ginger beer 3.0Vif Babka: Heated until the chocolate glistens, this slice of babka was more toast than cake but otherwise had a nice spiced flavor. Portion size is just right for it to be a rich but not too heavy breakfast. Purchased at a small cafe / wine shop in the Fremont district of Seattle, there they offer brunch on weekends and small pastries throughout the week. 3.0/5.0
seattle pastry chocolate vif babka 3.0