838777823892375520 1397986312

Sakuraya red bean mochi: Good consistency for store-bought mochi. Satisfying and filling snack size. Red bean filling is pretty standard and on the sweet side. 3.0/5.0

mochi redbeam sakuraya japanese red bean 3.0
838792730792723662 1397986312

Otabe Otabe of Kuro: Black sesame yatsuhashi (triangular mochi dessert) from Kyoto. Terrific, soft texture with a faintly sweet filling with real black sesame seeds. A very special treat. 5.0/5.0

mochi kuro otabe sesame blacksesame japanese desserts kyoto yatsuhashi exceptional of 5.0
834992697307858853 1397986312

Garden of Eatin' Pico de Gallo tortilla chips: Corn chips with a strong garlic flavor and slight spicy kick. Garlic flavor lingers for a long time. Serving size is also small at 8 chips. 2.5/5.0

tortilla chips gardenofeatin picodegallo corn jalapeno pico de gallo 2.5
834995877949245433 1397986312

Saranac Ginger Beer: Ginger beer from upstate NY. Good level of ginger spice. Could do with more carbonation and a little less sugar. 3.5/5.0

saranac ginger gingerbeer soda drinks recommended beer 3.5
835000537116345461 1397986312

Jenis brown butter and almond ice cream: Smooth and creamy ice cream that's extremely rich with a nutty caramel flavor. Clearly used high quality ingredients as its base. 4.0/5.0

icecream dessert brownbutter almond recommended jenis brown butter ice cream 4.0
835002172878128292 1397986312

Chikalicious green apple sorbet: Exceptionally refreshing and remarkably smooth sorbet speckled with bits of green apple. Clean flavor that's perfectly sweetened. A bit pricy for the size, but well worth it. 4.5/5.0

sorbet dessert chickalicious nyc exceptional green apple 4.5