860277011058558670 1397986312

Red Jacket Cranberry Apple Juice: Cold-pressed juice that takes the best of both worlds: Crisp apple flavor balances out the usual tartness of cranberries. Refreshing. 4.0/5.0

redjacket coldpressed juice apple cranberry drinks reviews recommended 4.0
858352884676593493 1397986312

Sunsweet Amazin Berry Blend: Mix of dried plums, cranberries, cherries, and blueberries. The berries have a waxy coating that leaves your hands feeling greasy. The plums are cubed and have a similar texture to fruit leather. Flavor-wise, it's a decent blend and less expensive than many alternatives. 2.5/5.0

fruit driedfruit cherry plum blueberry berries cranberry sunspot sunsweet amazin berry blend 2.5
858355454929307633 1397986312

Brown Cow apricot mango cream top yogurt: A fruity, rich snack with cubes of fruit distributed throughout. The consistency of the yogurt is variable, giving it an almost homemade-like texture (somewhat watery, clumped). Not overly sweet. 3.0/5.0

yogurt apricot mango creamtop browncow cream top 3.0
858366405334304498 1397986312

Kind oats & honey with toasted coconut:: One of the best granola bars I've had. They're substantial and have a very unique texture - the bar is glazed and chewy but contains crunchy grains, including quinoa and buckwheat. The flavor is excellent with a balanced amount of sweetness. 4.5/5.0

exceptional kind grains wholegrains granola chewy oats honey toasted coconut: 4.5
854024747239113885 1397986312

WholeSoy & Co key lime yogurt: Surprisingly convincing non-dairy yogurt. Texture is smooth and thick, and the key lime flavor is sharp. A little on the sweet side, but on the whole, impressive. 4.0/5.0

yogurt keylime soy lime dairyfree wholesoyco recommended key 4.0
854601563670610986 1397986312

Stonyfield Lemon Blends yogurt: Fat-free, organic yogurt with a mild but yummy lemon flavor. Smooth and slightly loose texture. High in protein. A reliable snack! 3.5/5.0

lemon yogurt stonyfield organic fatfree recommended blends 3.5