863198697374385982 1397986312

Hmart dried squid slices: : much less sugary and seasoned than packaged dried squid snacks. Has a subtle and natural seafood flavor. Chewier than I expected. 3.0/5.0

squid seafood hmart korean driedsquid dried slices 3.0
861895703676617966 1397986312

Hershey Halloween Kit Kat: A seasonal candy bar with orange colored white chocolate. The chocolate melts and coats your mouth in the waxy way that mass manufactured candy often does. 1.5/5.0

kitkat chocolate candy halloween wafer avoid hershey kit kat 1.5
861897750782182844 1397986312

Angie Boom Chicka Pop Caramel & Cheddar popcorn mix: Two classics married together in the same bag. Both flavors are great, and the snack is reminiscent of your favorite popcorn tin minus the holidays. 4.0/5.0

popcorn angies cheddar caramel recommended wholefoods angie boom chicka pop mix 4.0
861900524232148726 1397986312

Wallaby organic peach yogurt: This Australian-style yogurt is actually made in Napa Valley California. What makes it Australian-style? Apparently it comes down to the cooking process, although it doesn't seem particularly distinctive in taste or texture. The yogurt is slightly runny and a little bit savory, with a creamy flavor. 3.0/5.0

yogurt wallaby peach organic wallabyorganic 3.0
860269806670350127 1397986312

Pemberton Farm dried cantaloupe: Like most dried fruit, this is very sweet, but chopped into small pieces, it's perfect on oatmeal and other hot breakfast cereals. Condensed melon flavor. 3.5/5.0

cantaloupe melon dried fruit recommended pembertonfarm 3.5
860274401983366542 1397986312

Silk unsweetened coconut milk: This drink suffers from its lack of versatility. Its tropical flavor makes it difficult to pair with (unlike almond or soy milk, which have a more neutral flavor), and its high saturated fat content makes it hard to justify, even with the extra calcium. 1.5/5.0

silk coconut coconutmilk drinks milk avoid unsweetened 1.5