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Steamed red-bean peach-shaped buns: A sign of longevity, these peach-shaped buns are typically gifted to the elderly in Chinese culture. I found this particular brand of pre-made, frozen buns in a Chinatown grocery store in Boston. Though a serving size is a single bun, I eat two for breakfast to feel satiated. The buns are surprisingly good steamed in a rice cooker; the amount of steamed white bread feels substantial, and the red bean filling is sweet, but not overpoweringly so. The air-brushed peach accents are impressive, especially given the price of the product (a little over $2 for 8). The peach shape doesn't add anything to the flavor of the buns, but they make you smile and are a special treat. 4.0/5.0

redbean chinese peach pastry bread recommended dessert 4.0 steamed red-bean peach-shaped buns