Ancient Ingrained Snack Co Ka-Pop Salt & Vinegar Ancient Grain Popped Chips: Thinner and crispier than PopChips (pressurized potato chips) or Pop-Corners (popped corn tortilla chips), these sorghum-based "ancient grains" chips have a satisfyingly sharp and tart salt and vinegar flavor. They enter a crowded market of fried potato-chip alternatives, yet are different enough in texture to hold their own. Nutritionally, they're much healthier than potato chips, with 4g of fat per serving. I liked this bag enough to try their other flavors next time I make it to Fairway. 3.5/5.0
recommended fairway sorghum saltandvinegar ancientingrainedsnackco ka-pop salt vinegar ancient grain popped chips 3.5Lesser Evil Green Elephant Salt 'n Apple Cider Vinegar Potato Chips: My one greatest snack weakness is potato chips. With their high fat content and sparse serving size, chips are kind of the worst snack you could eat, even though they tend not to be highly processed. Because of these reasons, I rarely buy a bag of potato chips. But these salt and vinegar potato chips were on sale at Berkeley Bowl, so I succumbed and found a remarkably tangy potato chip worth trying. These chips are smaller and crunchier than normal (they're kettle cooked), and they are s... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended saltandvinegar pototochips lesserevilgreenelephant salt 'n apple cider vinegar potato chips 3.5Oishi Marty's salt and vinegar flavored cracklings: I bought this snack because I saw chicharons on the package, but when I got home, I was upset and baffled to see they were vegetarian. Upon tasting, though, I'm impressed with how closely they were able to match a distinctively meaty snack. The cracklings don't melt in your mouth the way fatty chicharons do, but the aggressive salt and vinegar flavor combined with a crunchy, textured cracker bears a passing resemblance. There is no way a vegetarian designed this snack. While the packaging ha... (read more) 3.5/5.0
oishi vegetarian chicharon recommended chips cracklings hmart 3.5 philippines saltandvinegar marty's salt vinegar flavoredKettle Real Sliced Potatoes sea salt + vinegar potato chips: Like the bbq flavored chips I previously reviewed, these are similar in texture: thicker and crunchier than most. The problem with this bag is that the flavor is unevenly distributed, with some very tart mouthfuls and some barely seasoned. Not one of the better salt and vinegar chips I've had. 2.5/5.0
kettle chips potatochips saltandvinegar 2.5 real sliced potatoes sea salt + vinegar potatoOishii Salt & Vinegar Cracklings: Tangy, sharp vinegar taste, good amount of seasoning, satisfying crunch. 3.5/5.0
recommended hmart saltandvinegar oishii salt vinegar cracklings 3.5