Outstanding Foods Pig Out Pigless Bacon Chips: Everything about the packaging of Pig Out snacks screams bacon, from the pig mascot to the photograph of bacon-looking chips (enlarged for texture) – it's only upon closer inspection that you see that these chips are completely plant-based, and only in the ingredients list is the predominant ingredient (mushrooms) listed. It's an interesting choice to go for the bacon-loving consumer, rather than the vegetarian craving meat. The chips are kind of like Terra sweet potato chips in texture; t... (read more) 1.5/5.0
avoid vegetarian mushrooms outstandingfoods pig out pigless bacon chips 1.5 parkslopefoodcoopOishi Marty's salt and vinegar flavored cracklings: I bought this snack because I saw chicharons on the package, but when I got home, I was upset and baffled to see they were vegetarian. Upon tasting, though, I'm impressed with how closely they were able to match a distinctively meaty snack. The cracklings don't melt in your mouth the way fatty chicharons do, but the aggressive salt and vinegar flavor combined with a crunchy, textured cracker bears a passing resemblance. There is no way a vegetarian designed this snack. While the packaging ha... (read more) 3.5/5.0
oishi vegetarian chicharon recommended chips cracklings hmart 3.5 philippines saltandvinegar marty's salt vinegar flavored