YBC Aerial Cheddar Flavored Chips: I really like the texture of these light and crispy chips from Japanese junk-food manufacturer YBC. They consist of nugget-shaped chips that are multi-layered and irregularly shaped, giving it a very unique texture. The cheddar flavored ones have a milky and creamy flavor that is common among cheddar-flavored Asian snacks, which is less salty and sharp than American cheddar-flavored snacks. Overall, I still like it for the texture but prefer the roe-flavored chips I previously reviewed. 3.5/5.0
recommended japanese junkfood ybc aerial cheddar flavored chips 3.5Plant Snacks Vegan Cheddar Cassava Root Chips: Cassava root seems like an unusual choice for a snack, but then again other root vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beets have all found their way into our snack aisle. These chips are less thick than pita chips and more crispy than Wheat Things; they're dusted with a vegan cheddar powder that also appears to be worked into the cracker itself. You could tell it was not milk-based cheddar, yet it still had a satisfying savory flavor, in the same way that vegan mac and cheese can t... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended chips vegan plantsnacks cheddar cassava root 3.5 parkslopefoodcoopTrader Joe's Cheesy Trees Sharp Cheddar Cheese Crackers: I like some of Trader Joe's other cheese crackers, such as their Cheddar Rockets and their Gorgonzola crackers, so I decided to give these Cheesy Trees a try. They come in a smaller box and contain two individually wrapped trays of crackers stacked one of top of one another. The crackers have a crumbly texture and have this kind of greasy cheese taste to them, kind of like melted low-quality cheddar cheese you put in the microwave to eat over tortilla chips. I really don't like them becau... (read more) 2.0/5.0
avoid cheese traderjoes cheesy trees sharp cheddar crackers 2.0Boulder Canyon Jalapeno Cheddar kettle chips : It's crunchy. It's a little bit spicy. And it's a-ok. Nothing particularly memorable here. 3.0/5.0
potatochips bouldercanyon jalapeno cheddar kettle chips 3.0Lundberg White cheddar & jalapeño baked grain bites: I know Lundbergh from their rice crackers, but this is the first time I’ve seen a snack from them that’s shelved outside of the health food aisle. Baked puffed “grain bites” have a bit of heat but largely taste imbalanced, with a white cheddar flavor that doesn’t quite mix with the brown rice taste. Crispy snack is reminiscent of chicharrones, but lighter and of course without meat. 2.5/5.0
organic lundberg white cheddar jalapeño baked grain bites 2.5Annie’s Organic cheddar cheesy smiles: Like many American kids, I grew up eating Kraft boxed mac and cheese, which I still find appealing today. In grad school, with my limited budget, I upgraded to Annie’s mac and cheese. My favorite is their Yummy Cheese flavor with bunny-shaped pasta. This cheese puff snack, made with organic cheddar, tastes just like their Mac and Cheese with a slightly creamier flavor than normal cheese puffs while still maintaining the sharp cheddar taste I love. Very yummy - would purchase again. 4.0/5.0
recommended organic wholefoods annies cheddar cheesy smiles 4.0