Herr's baked aged cheddar chips: I purchased these from a vending machine in lab since it was the only healthier choice option I saw. This is the first time I had chips that tasted like Kraft Mac and cheese cheese powder. Definitely on the salty side. Very few chips (I believe around 13) per bag. Serving size is probably the main reason this is one of the lower calorie vending machine options. 1.5/5.0
herrs potatochips chips agedcheddar cheddar 1.5 avoid baked agedEarth Balance vegan cheddar squares: Surprisingly flavorful and tangy cheddar snack crackers. Very addicting. Sharp cheese flavor. Top 25% of cheese crackers I've had. 4.0/5.0
earthbalance cheddar crackers recommended 4.0 cheese vegan squaresHorizon cheddar snack crackers: I've always had a soft spot for cheese crackers in cute shapes, but that doesn't mean I'm not discerning in comparing the several options on the market. Goldfish have long gone downhill, with Pepperidge Farm substantially increasing the sodium content and with an unacceptably high risk of getting a burnt batch. Next best are Annie's cheddar bunnies, which are perhaps the crunchiest of the bunch but have good cheddar flavor and an ideal level of salt. Slightly better is Trader Joe's cheddar r... (read more) 4.5/5.0
exceptional cheddar cheese crackers horizon cows 4.5 snackQuinn Popcorn cheddar & chipotle popcorn: Organic popcorn that feels light yet had a prominent and distinct flavor. Chipotle kick is more smoky than spicy. The company prints a batch number on the package so you can learn more about where the ingredients come from. It's not something I'm personally interested in but I did it for the purposes of this review. Honestly, I really just care about whether or not it tastes good, and it does. 4.0/5.0
recommended popcorn cheddar chipotle quinnpopcorn organic 4.0