bread (42)
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Breadtop matcha red bean bun: Breadtop is an Asian bakery chain in Australia. There is one close to the hotel I'm staying at in Brisbane, and it offers staples like sausage buns and sesame balls but also modern takes, like this matcha red bean bun. Unfortunately, the bun was unsuccessfully; the dough had very little matcha flavor, and the red bean filling was overly sweet and uninspired. The dusting of icing sugar made it messy to eat, without much added flavor. 2.0/5.0

breadtop bakery bread matcha redbean asian australian 2.0 red bean bun
2017 04 13 07.09.52

Cheeseboard Sticky Bun: I wouldn't say I have a sweet tooth, but I can enjoy sweet things. I definitely have a preference, though, for lighter desserts. This sticky bun from Cheeseboard falls on the opposite end of the spectrum. Soaked with a buttery glaze and topped with chopped pecans, it's the type of sweet that will actually induce a physical reaction, as your body and teeth rejects what it knows is not good for it. Because the sticky bun is from Cheeseboard, I have some confidence in the quality of the ing... (read more) 2.0/5.0

dessert pecans nuts bread bakery baked sweets cheeseboard sticky bun 2.0
Img 20190101 120519

Mah Ze Dahr Banana Bread: Mah Ze Dahr is a small bakery in Greenwich Village with pastries carefully organized on wooden boards and raised platters, somehow conveying both abundance (through its variety of baked goods) and scarcity (there are <10 of each). This banana bread was served in a sizable disc, like an enlarged, leveled-off muffin top, or an especially thick cookie. Unfortunately, while banana bread is one of my favorites, I found it to be a bit on the dry side, and the sugar coating on top made it far too... (read more) 2.0/5.0

desserts bakery nyc mahzedahrbakery banana bread 2.0
967620122935329872 1397986312

Paris Baguette whole wheat red bean bun: A sad, generic pastry. Bread is unsubstantial and mostly flavorless, filling is overly sweet. 1.5/5.0

parisbaguette redbean bread bakery pastry asian avoid whole wheat red bean bun 1.5
2017 04 07 20.19.48

Milwon Black Rice Steamed Bread: Frozen steamed buns are some of my favorite quick breakfast items. Back when I lived next to HMart, I would purchase them frequently. After not having had them for several months, I was happy to find some at my local Korean grocery store. These Milwon buns are made with black rice, which gives them a speckled purple color. Each fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and has a red bean filling. The only positive thing I can say about this product is that it's not too sweet. Otherwise... (read more) 1.5/5.0

korean redbean asian milwon black rice steamed bread 1.5 avoid
781457436557215738 1397986312

Swissbaker's pretzel roll: A surprisingly mediocre pretzel bread. Texture in particular is store-bought quality, and the roll is tough and just not very good. Would never chose to eat again. 1/5. 1.0/5.0

avoid bread swissbakers pretzel roll 1.0