771230373971788925 1397986312

Andy Capp's Cheddar Fries: Somehow, I remember enjoying these as a kid, but they have very little appeal now. Grease melts in your mouth, snack leaves a very artificial and strong aftertaste. 1.0/5.0

avoid cheese andycapps cheddar fries 1.0
768826575726871587 1397986312

Cascadian Farm Graham crunch cereal: Delicious honey graham squares lightly dusted with sugar, maintains crunchy texture in milk, organic and healthful. 4.0/5.0

recommended cascadianfarms graham crunch cereal 4.0
768832319968806077 1397986312

Lam Sheng Kee steamed bread: Frozen Asian mantou perfectly sized for snaking. Faintly sweetened, dense but won't leave you stuffed. 4.0/5.0

mantou asian hmart chinese lamshengkee steamed bread 4.0
769035972126213394 1397986312

Kwang-Dong oriental raisin tea drink: A Korean tea that tastes like a cross between oolong and barley tea. strong, rich aftertaste, presumably from the raisin tree fruit concentrate. I wouldn't guess it was raisin, but it's good, especially chilled. 3.5/5.0

korean raisintea drinks hmart asian kwangdong oriental raisin tea drink 3.5
769142830778319988 1397986312

Maplebrook Farms mozzarella: fresh, handmade cheese with excellent creamy flavor and texture. Tastes amazing on its own, but gives an excuse to make a delicious caprese salad! 4.5/5.0

cheese exceptional maplebrookfarms mozzarella 4.5
763723205408229012 1397986312

Quaker's Honey Graham Oh's: Very sweet graham cracker flavored cereal. Feel kind of guilty snacking on it, but it's delicious on its own or with a glass of milk. 3.0/5.0

cereal quakers honey graham oh's 3.0