Mighty-O Donuts Lavender Lemonade: Seattle vegan donut shop Might-O Donuts has a surprisingly large variety of housemade drinks, making it harder to choose which beverage to to get over a donut flavor. The lavender lemonade was initially refreshing floral, but the flavor didn't permeate through the entire cup (I maybe should have stirred it more), so after I got halfway through, it tasted a little diluted. But it was still interesting enough that I'd try other drinks the next time I go. 3.0/5.0
drinks seattle mightyodonuts lavender lemonade 3.0Coco Leaf Lavender milk tea with flan pudding: Coco Leaf is a Vietnamese dessert shop on Newbury street in Boston featuring colorful multilayer drinks with ingredients like pandan, longnan, and mungbean. I opted for a lighter milk tea with no added sugar, but with flan pudding (a contradiction, I know) to get a sense of their toppings. The milk tea had a rich, creamy flavor, an indication of higher quality milk, while the lavender was pleasantly light. The pudding was also good, with a slippery texture just set enough and tasting of bro... (read more) 3.5/5.0
Recommend drinks boston milk tea pudding cocoleaf lavender milk tea flan 3.5Trader Joe's Blueberry Lavender almond flavored beverage: I've tried a few of these flavored almond milks from Trader Joe's up to this point, and I'm starting to wonder why I'm still bothering to purchase them. The matcha flavor I bought previously was not very good, and this drink reminds me of a liquid form of blueberry-flavored yogurt, with an artificial blueberry flavor that doesn't taste very much of the normally slightly tart fruit. I wasn't able to discern any lavender flavor, though it tasted more of vanilla to me. A really weird drink t... (read more) 2.5/5.0
drinks almondmilk traderjoes blueberry lavender almond flavored beverages 2.5Liberte Lavender whole milk yogurt: I tend not to purchase this whole milk yogurt because of its high fat content, but I was intrigued by Liberte’s lavender flavor offering. The yogurt was well balanced, a commendable feat since lavender is particularly hard to get right. Floral and creamy without tasting like soap. High quality yogurt too. 3.5/5.0
recommended berkeleybowl liberte lavender whole milk yogurt 3.5Uji Lavender soft serve in Taiyaki cone: The best lavender ice cream I've ever had was in Hokkaido, Japan at Farm Tomita, where their lush, seemingly endless fields of lavender are the basis for wondrously floral and creamy soft serve. I have yet to find anything that comes close, but the seasonal lavender flavor at Uji, a Japanese ice cream shop in Berkeley, is a strong contender. The trick is their careful balance - the lavender does not overpower (which otherwise would lead to a mouthful of perfume-flavored cream), yet the flav... (read more) 4.5/5.0
exceptional uji lavender soft serve in taiyaki cone 4.5 ujitimeBoba Guys lavender black milk tea with grass jelly: This distinct beverage had a clean lavender flavor without tasting too floral, or like soap as poorly balanced lavender-flavored things tend to. Though I ordered the drink with 50% sweetness, I found it to be on the sweet side. (I think they might sweeten the drinks more than the NYC location, as I've had the opposite impression there.) The flavor and texture of the homemade grass jelly was excellent, but it was difficult to suck up through a normal boba straw. 3.5/5.0
bobaguys drinks lavender blacktea tea 3.5 recommended milktea black milk grass jelly