781196314356778116 1397986312

Herb Lyceum cranberry lavender lemonade: Fantastic refreshing drink that's surprisingly light and faintly floral. Available by the cup at the Kendall Square farmers market. 4.5/5.0

drinks exceptional kendallsquare herblyceum cranberry lavender lemonade 4.5
781457436557215738 1397986312

Swissbaker's pretzel roll: A surprisingly mediocre pretzel bread. Texture in particular is store-bought quality, and the roll is tough and just not very good. Would never chose to eat again. 1/5. 1.0/5.0

avoid bread swissbakers pretzel roll 1.0
781463871559074973 1397986312

Silang Oatmeal Crackers: nutty crumbly cookies (rather than crackers) that are barely sweetened. Comes in individual serving packs of two cookies, which makes them ideal for a quick snack in between meals (but they aren't very filling). 2.5/5.0

cookies chinese hmart japanese asian silang oatmeal crackers 2.5
778553509989876803 1397986312

Lifeway peach probiotic kefir: fruit yogurt drink that had a smooth texture but slightly off aftertaste. Acidic and not overly sweet. 2.5/5 2.5/5.0

drinks lifeway peach probiotic kefir 2.5
778556429879772297 1397986312

Majans Bhula Snacks cracker mix: A blend of rice crackers with crunchy noodles, green peas, peanuts, chickpeas, and sultanas. I expected this to have a spicy kick given the marketing on the package but found it to be surprisingly bland. Actually not that different from a typical oriental rice cracker mix. Disappointing but still a decent snack. 3.0/5.0

ricecrackers indian harvest majans bhula cracker mix 3.0
778560323376678093 1397986312

Mother's peanut butter bumpers: Essentially peanut butter crunch without artificial flavors. Pretty sure it's a marketing ploy as Mother's is owner by Quaker, who also makes Cap'n crunch. Nonetheless, it is quite tasty! 3.5/5.0

recommended peanubutter cereal harvest mothers peanut butter bumpers 3.5