776489037506839589 1397986312

Nongshim Tako Chips: Goldfish-shaped, ridged chips with seafood flavor reminiscent of shrimp and squid flavored snacks. Very yummy and addicting. 4.0/5.0

seafood nongshim korean shrimp octopus squid recommneded nongshim tako chips 4
775350759990789551 1397986312

Seven Stars Farm low fat plain yogurt: Organic yogurt that had an acidic aftertaste and smooth, silky texture. Perfectly balanced with a bit of honey and fresh fruit. 3.5/5 3.5/5.0

recommended organic sevenstarsfarm low fat plain yogurt 3.5
775604996167468935 1397986312

Foco coconut water with lychee: A surprisingly thirst-quenching drink with a pleasant mix of tropical flavors. Not too sweet and generally light and healthy. 3.5/5.0

drinks recommended coconutwater foco coconut water lychee 3.5
773955786280043796 1397986312

Ito En jasmine green tea: Cclean herbal flavor, refreshing on a hot day, stronger than many bottled teas. 3.0/5.0

greentea match japanese drinks itoen jasmine green tea 3.0
773956911628584254 1397986312

OKF Aloe drink: Overly sweet with a strong artificial flavor. Aloe itself is texturally good, but the vehicle for them leaves much to be desired. 1/5 1.0/5.0

avoid korean asian drinks okf aloe drink 1.0
771405999571765227 1397986312

Oishii Salt & Vinegar Cracklings: Tangy, sharp vinegar taste, good amount of seasoning, satisfying crunch. 3.5/5.0

recommended hmart saltandvinegar oishii salt vinegar cracklings 3.5