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1036918610243913012 1397986312

Salt and Lemon Baumkuchen: Ever had a salted lemon flavored cake? I hadn't up to this point in my life, and I wish I had. This import from Japan is very well balanced, with a concentrated acidic flavor. Like most Japanese pastries, it's lightly sweetened. Texture is a bit dense but not dry. Honestly better than many fresh cakes I've had. 4.0/5.0

recommended hmart japanese baumkuchen lemon saltedlemon cake dessert sweets 4.0 salt
1063081708830885886 1397986312

Steamed red-bean peach-shaped buns: A sign of longevity, these peach-shaped buns are typically gifted to the elderly in Chinese culture. I found this particular brand of pre-made, frozen buns in a Chinatown grocery store in Boston. Though a serving size is a single bun, I eat two for breakfast to feel satiated. The buns are surprisingly good steamed in a rice cooker; the amount of steamed white bread feels substantial, and the red bean filling is sweet, but not overpoweringly so. The air-brushed peach accents are impressive, e... (read more) 4.0/5.0

redbean chinese peach pastry bread recommended dessert 4.0 steamed red-bean peach-shaped buns
1174361705851159937 1397986312

Corn Potage Umaibo: I received this Japanese snack in my latest #munchpak and found the Doraemon-like character and nonchalant boiling corn intriguing. Inside the packaging is a thick, cylindrical tube of puffed corn dusted with a savory coating not unlike that which you might find on sour cream and onion chips. The snack is messy and kind of like biting into an oversized puffed Cheetos, but slightly more dense. The flavor was surprisingly excellent in a junk-food sort of way. First comes an intense, sweet corn... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended umaibo corn cornpotage japanese 4.0 cornpuff potage
1216350231383541475 1397986312

Dried filefish fillet: Purchase from Hmart, this package of dried fish is unexpectedly meaty and sweet. Good overall flavor, though maybe more chewy than desirable. 3.5/5.0

hmart fish filefish asian 3.5 recommended seafood driedfish dried fillet
8057c4b2 cb33 48ad b8b3 645a0c2623f0

Shrimp peanut snack: Despite my best effort at detective work with Google Translate and Reverse Image Search, I wasn’t able to track down the exact brand of this senbei snack. Too bad, because it’s one of the best ones I’ve had before. Purchased from Tokyo Fish Market in Berkeley, the snack consists of baked hollow balls filled with peanuts. Unlike the traditional crunchy glazed rice crackers I’ve had before, this one had a crumbly, buttery exterior that melt-in-your-mouths. The shell is well seasoned with a rob... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended tokyofishmarket japanese shrimp peanut snack 4.0
787262338764146148 1397986312

365 Organic Honey & Nut Morning O's: A classic that has just the right amount of sugar and nutty flavor. Holds up well with milk. A yummy breakfast! Great value as one of the least expensive cereals from Whole Foods. 3.5/5.0

cereal breakfast 365 wholefoods honey nut honeynutcereal recommended organic morning o's 3.5