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Corn Potage Umaibo: I received this Japanese snack in my latest #munchpak and found the Doraemon-like character and nonchalant boiling corn intriguing. Inside the packaging is a thick, cylindrical tube of puffed corn dusted with a savory coating not unlike that which you might find on sour cream and onion chips. The snack is messy and kind of like biting into an oversized puffed Cheetos, but slightly more dense. The flavor was surprisingly excellent in a junk-food sort of way. First comes an intense, sweet corn flavor followed by an umami-rich onion finish. I learned afterward that Corn Potage is a creamy corn soup, and that this line of snacks comes in bizarre flavors such as shrimp and mayonnaise, beef tongue, and wasabi steak. I can't wait to seek them out whenever I find myself in the Japanese junk food aisle. 4.0/5.0

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