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Ojo butter coconut cookies: Glazed, sweet crackers with strong coconut flavor. Works great crumbled on desserts. 3.5/5.0

recommended sweets ojo butter coconut cookies 3.5
747356176946332828 1397986312

Ojo butter coconut cookies: Glazed, sweet crackers with strong coconut flavor. Works great crumbled on desserts. 3.5/5.0

recommended sweets ojo butter coconut cookies 3.5
Img 0447

Olipop Strawberry Vanilla Sparkling Tonic: This alternative beverage is not calorie (35) or sugar free (3g) but incorporates lots of unexpected alternative ingredients like kudzu root, elm bark, and Jerusalem artichoke, along with vanilla bean and strawberry essence. Their marketing describes this as beneficial "prebiotics, plant fiber, and botanicals" to support your digestive health. I didn't really care so much about the ingredients and was mostly drawn to the nicely designed packaging and flavor combinations I naturally gravita... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended pic drinks olipop strawberry vanila sparkling tonic 3.5
Img 0446

Olipop Ginger Lemon Sparkling Tonic: A sparkling tonic designed to support digestive health, this ginger lemon soda has a solid ginger flavor that's pleasantly spiced and acidic. There aren't many other drinks I've had that taste quite like it. I wish it were a little fizzier, and it does have a alternative-sweetner aftertaste because it uses Stevia. Otherwise, I think it's a unique offering for those that are open to low-calorie, low-sugar options with a new spin. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks pic olipop ginger lemonade sparkling tonic 3.5
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Omomo Tea Shop Matcha Cortado: Is bubble tea ever worth waiting an hour in line for? Maybe not, but when 90% of the line is made up of Asian customers in Irvine, it's probably a good sign. This popular bubble tea shop has two locations in Irvine, and this unassuming shop in the middle of a large strip mall, sandwiched between a Ralph's and CVS, unfortunately only takes in-person orders (the other location has an online ordering system). I went with my family and was able to sample four different drinks, but the one I o... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended irvine bubbletea greentea omomoteashop matcha cortado 4.0
2017 04 07 20.15.15

Oorifood Premium Garlic Snack: Since moving to the Bay Area, I've been impressed with how well American grocery stores stock Asian snacks in their ethnic food aisles. Berkeley Bowl in particular has an array of both Japanese and Chinese staples, including dried seafood, shrimp crackers, and multiple varieties of rice crackers (even carrying their own in the bulk section). But one thing that I have missed is Korean snacks, which I had easy access to back in Cambridge, MA since I lived close to an HMart. Luckily, I recent... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended korean puffs longreads oorifood premium garlic snack 4.0