japanese (360)
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Img 20200418 175027

YBC Aerial Roe Butter Flavored Chips: It is very rare for me to come across a snack that is fundamentally different than any I've had before, and this fried Japanese corn snack is one of them. I found it at Weica, sort of like a CVS, which has an impressive stock of junk food. These chips consist of multiple crispy layers, each uniquely shaped probably due to the irregularity of the manufacturing process. Each square is about the size of a Wheat Thin in area. The separated layers gives it a light crispy texture unlike any sn... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended weica japanese junkfood yamazakibiscuitsco aerial roe butter flavored chips 4.0 ybc
Img 20200403 110612

Lotte とろ~りれん乳三昧 苺れん乳 Strawberry Kakigori Popsicle: These are unique popsicles that could only be manufactured through modern food science. They consist of a milky outer coating, made with Hokkaido milk, that encapsulates multiple layers. At the top is a viscous syrup, which has a slight tropical pineapple flavor to me though perhaps it's just a type of acidic milk – with my first popiscle, the liquid layer came as a surprise when it came pouring out. Underneath the syrup is a strawberry popsicle, somewhere between a freeze pop and fruit b... (read more) 3.0/5.0

japanese naniwaya dessert frozen lotte とろ~りれん乳三昧 苺れん乳 strawberry kakigori popsicle 3.0
Img 20200418 175037

Frito Lay BBQ Cheetos: I believe that these steak-flavored BBQ Cheetos are a Japanese exclusive. They have the familiar fried corn snack texture of regular cheetos but are coated in a brown-ish red powder coating. They don't taste like American BBQ flavor, which tends to be very sweet, with a sort of tangy vinegar flavor. This one instead tastes more like meat, but has a strong sweetness that I find hard to place. The sweetness really took me by surprise and is not a taste that I personally enjoy. Purchased a... (read more) 2.5/5.0

weica japanese junkfood fritolay bbq cheetos 2.5
Img 20200416 132513

Calbee Takumi Sendai Beef & Black Pepper Chips: I'm pretty fascinated by meat-flavored snacks, which are very popular in Asia. These are chips you can purchase at 7-11 in Japan that are flavored like peppered steak. They have a smoky flavor that do taste of black pepper, but they also have a meaty sweetness as if the beef were marinated in a sweet glaze. The chips are thin and crispy - similar to Lay's and a bit better than the other potato chips I've had here, many of which are translucent with oil. Overall, though, the pepper flavor... (read more) 3.0/5.0

chips 711 japanese calbee takumi sendai beef black pepper 3.0
Img 20200415 120324

Gilca Cheeze Camembert Crackers: These crackers are made from a mix of cheddar and Camembert, producing a sharply flavored crisp with just a bit of funk. The wedge-shaped crackers have holes in them, like a cuter version of the Swiss Cheese Flavor Original crackers (from Nabisco). Comes in a very small pack with just a couple servings. 3.0/5.0

cheese japanese gilca cheeze camembert crackers 3.0
Img 20200406 120955

New New York Club Rainbow Bagel with Strawberry Cream Cheese: There's a small bagel shop close to me designed to look like a NYC bagel shop, replete with white and blue tiles, metal shopping baskets filled with Skittles, and a neon Bagel sign in the window. I hadn't considered that bagels were available in Tokyo but I guess why not, so I decided to see how well it stacked up compared to real New York bagels. I got the most NYC and Japanese combination I could imagine: a rainbow bagel, in an intense purple, blue, and red swirled color palette, filled w... (read more) 2.0/5.0

bagels japanese azabujuban newnewyorkclub rainbow bagel strawberry cream cheese 2.0