ginger (124)
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1254065363886572989 1397986312

Cortese ginger soft drink: This Italian mixer strangely contains no ginger. Instead, it had carrot juice and safflower. The flavor is slightly acidic, on the sweet side, and has no expected kick. It comes in a vivid red color. 2.5/5.0

soda drinks cortese ginger carrot 2.5 italian soft drink
2016 05 14 14.05.46

Kelvin Slush ginger and white peach slush: This Brooklyn-based company has a truck that makes its way around the city. You purchase a slush by first picking a base and then adding a fruit mix-in. At Smorgasburg, I selected ginger with white peach, and the combination was exceptionally good. They add the mix-in halfway through so the flavor is more distributed, and the texture of the organic slush is impressively smooth. A spicy ginger kick finishes the frozen treat and is remarkably potent but well balanced. Would definitely purchase... (read more) 4.5/5.0

kelvinslush ginger whitepeach slush frozen drinks 4.5 exceptional white peach
1228646139903116672 1397986312

&pizza berry ginger lemonade: I was excited about all the craft soda options available at the fast-casual pizza chain &. Unfortunately, all six I sampled from their fountain machine were overly sweet. This berry lemonade had just a bit of spiciness from the ginger but tasted mostly like berry juice. 2.0/5.0

soda drinks & ginger lemonade berry 2.0 pizza
1227279828002309534 1397986312

Sprecher's ginger ale: The first time I had Sprechers was at Momofuku Ssam bar back in 2009, and I was instantly a fan of their root beer. I found this large bottle, with two servings, at a sandwich shop in DC, and I was excited to try it given how much I love ginger. On first sip, the ginger flavor was prominent and spicy, but it finishes kind of musky due to the addition of honey. While I sometimes have honey with ginger tea, I didn't think it quite worked with this carbonated combination, though it was a good d... (read more) 3.0/5.0

gingerale sprechers soda drinks ginger honey 3.0 fizzy pop ale
1220355109139285871 1397986312

Newman's Own Ginger O's: Ginger sandwich creme cookies that are nicely spiced and generally very good. Made with organic flour and sugar. Ginger flavor really comes through. Would purchase again (a rarity for me). 4.0/5.0

recommended newmansown ginger gingeros sandwichcookies cookies 4.0 o's
1212766942643127476 1397986312

il laboratorio del gelato sorbet and gelato: I've known about this spot for some time because many restaurants in NYC offer their ice cream, but I never had the opportunity to give it a try until now. Located directly next to Katz's, the place has a bit of a clinical science lab vibe, with chemical abbreviations for each flavor and minimalist furnishings. The shop has a distinctly neutral scent. I think it's because there are no toppings, which I appreciated. It's really solely about the gelato here. I shared four different flavors, a... (read more) 5.0/5.0

illaboratoriodelgelato gelato icecream sorbet 5.0 exceptional nyc ginger honeydew strawberry greentea les