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Trader Joe's Sparkling Black Tea with Peach Juice: This is a light refreshing soda alternative that essentially tastes of cold brew peach tea with a little bit of carbonation. It's low calories (15 calories a can with 2 g of sugar), which I found to be sweet enough. Purchased in a 4 pack from Trader Joe's. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks tea traderjoes sparkling black peach juice 3.5
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Mighty-O Donuts Lavender Lemonade: Seattle vegan donut shop Might-O Donuts has a surprisingly large variety of housemade drinks, making it harder to choose which beverage to to get over a donut flavor. The lavender lemonade was initially refreshing floral, but the flavor didn't permeate through the entire cup (I maybe should have stirred it more), so after I got halfway through, it tasted a little diluted. But it was still interesting enough that I'd try other drinks the next time I go. 3.0/5.0

drinks seattle mightyodonuts lavender lemonade 3.0
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Salmonberry Goods Plum Kombucha: I got this drink alongside the sweet onion cookie I previously reviewed, and even among the many kombucha options in Seattle, this one stands out as one of the best. The plum flavor is crisp and pure, sweet and tart, and the level of fermentation gives a pleasant herbal, slightly sour finish that's balanced just right. 4.5/5.0

exceptional drinks seattle ballardfarmersmarket salmonberrygoods plum kombucha 4.5
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Trader Joe's Organic Sparkling Lemon and Strawberry Apple Cider Vinegar Drink: I really enjoyed the ginger and lemon apple cider vinegar beverage I previously purchased from Trader Joe's, which is a fairly classic flavor combination as far as shrubs go. This strawberry lemon version is a little more unique and was equally refreshing – the berry flavor is tart and sweet, and overall the drink is well balanced. I was very sad to see that these drinks may now be out of season at TJs but I hope you get to try it if you come across it on the shelves. 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks traderjoes organic sparkling lemon strawberry apple cider vinegar drink 4.0
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Trader Joe's Organic Sparkling Ginger and Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink: I really like the acidity of shrubs, so I was excited to find some apple cider vinegar drinks at Trader Joe's. This one combines two of my favorite flavors: ginger and lemon. I wish it had a little bit more spicy ginger flavor but otherwise was very good - you get the tanginess of the vinegar combined with the acidity of the lemon, without being overly sweet. 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks traderjoes organic sparkling ginger lemon apple cider vinegar drink 4.0
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Yomie's Rice Yogurt Haw Purple Rice Yogurt: This shop features a drink menu dominantly in Chinese, with a sprinkling of English just so you know how to order. They make yogurt drinks that verge on porridge territory, with a thick consistency that you can just manage to consume from a straw. Their most popular drink is purple rice yogurt, but I opted for the haw flavor, a popular berry used in Asian desserts. Made to order, it took about 10 minutes to arrive in a boba-tea-like plastic packaging with a sealed off top you puncture wit... (read more) 2.5/5.0

drinks chinatown seattle chinese yomiesriceyogurt haw purple rice yogurt 2.5