Dalton Cola soda: I spotted this intriguing bottle of cola on my colleague @sharingnicely's desk, but we noticed it was over a year expired. Still, the list of ingredients (which includes lemon, ginger, cinnamon, star anise, and lavender) was enticing enough that we gave it a taste. After chilling the beverage and sampling it, I found an expertly balanced cola with mild yet distinct floral and citric notes. The soda itself was slightly flat, but I'll attribute this to it being far past its intended shelf life... (read more)
dalstoncola cola drinks recommended ginger lemon citrus spiced daltoncola sodaEvy Tea peach ginger white tea: Cold brewed tea that's fantastically (and naturally) pure and flavorful despite having no calories or sugar. Flavors are clean and distinct, and the drink itself is light and refreshing. A perfect bottle of tea. 5.0/5.0
exceptional tea drinks evytea ginger peach boston coldbrewed icedtea whitetea white 5.0Mansi calamansi drink: Kalamansi is citrus fruit indigenous to the Philippines that's a cross between an orange and a kumquat. Mansi, a juice flavored with kalamansi, is remarkably refreshing, with a fantastic citrus flavor whose sharpness is balanced by a bit of honey. The website for the brand lists all sorts of health benefits for the fruit, from reduced acne to better digestive health. Regardless of whether any of this is true, the drink is one of the most memorable I've had, and something I would be happy to ... (read more) 5.0/5.0
drinks drinkmansi calamansidrink kalamansi nyc mansi 5.0 exceptional citrus juice calamansi drinkBernie's Best Organic Autumn's Best Apple Cider: I live very close to Cheeseboard in Berkeley and hadn't had their pizza since I moved in. On a whim back from running errands, and noticing there was a shorter line than normal, I stopped by this popular spot to re-taste the pizza I found exceptional five years earlier. To accompany the pizza, I grabbed an apple cider I hadn't seen before from their drinks fridge: Bernie's Best. The drink lists no nutrition facts, only that the cider is made fresh with apples from Pomo Tierra Orchards in Yo... (read more) 5.0/5.0
exceptional drinks berkeley berniesbest organic autumn's best apple cider 5.0i-Tea Avocado slush with grass jelly: If you follow Tasty Snacking, you will have gathered that I am in love with this Bay Area bubble tea chain. I've had a lot of bubble tea in my life (an embarrassing amount, in fact), both in Asia and in the US, and i-Tea is as good as it gets. On my last visit, I ordered an insanely good avocado slush with a generous helping of grass jelly. Very fresh and creamy, and pleasantly sweet at 30%. The grass jelly had a delicious herbal flavor that complemented the creamy avocado well. Their j... (read more) 5.0/5.0
exceptional taiwanese drinks itea avocado slush grass jelly 5.0Kimino Sparking Yuzu: I sift through hundreds of snacks both because I love exploring new tastes but also because I'm always looking for a hidden treasure. Sometimes it's a fresh, unexpected flavor combination, while other times it's just the most perfectly executed version of something more familiar. This Kimino sparking yuzu drink falls in the latter category. The small bottle is perfectly sized for a single serving. The bottom contains sediments of yuzu rind (they utilize the entire fruit to make the bevera... (read more) 5.0/5.0
montererymarket exceptional drinks japanese soda yuzu 5.0 kimino sparkling