avoid (93)
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A920d11b 7487 48d2 9f9c 3c4fa81bc88c

Matchabar Rose matcha milk tea: I really enjoyed a bottled Fuji ginger matcha drink from Matchabar a few months ago and decided to try a freshly-made beverage from their small to-go window in Soho. This rose matcha milk tea, while colorful, was actually quite bad - very sweet, and quickly diluted. Hardly any green tea flavor, and tasted like watery milk after only a few minutes. Definitely $5 wasted. 1.5/5.0

avoid drinks nyc matchabar rose matcha milk tea 1.5
Img 20200510 194016

Meiji Ujikintoki Ice Bars: I've been very slowly working through this box of popsicles for about a month now. Having previously tried a Lotte version of packaged kakigori ice bars, I decided to try this matcha version not realizing it was from a different brand (Meiji). These ice cream bars are really quite bad; the green tea ice is very hard and crunchy and lacks flavor, whole red bean throughout the ice have a very dry texture, the viscous condensed milk that sits on top of it is far too sweet, and the outer coati... (read more) 1.5/5.0

popsicles japanese dessert avoid maretsu icecream popsicle meiji ujikintoki ice bars 1.5
2017 04 07 20.19.48

Milwon Black Rice Steamed Bread: Frozen steamed buns are some of my favorite quick breakfast items. Back when I lived next to HMart, I would purchase them frequently. After not having had them for several months, I was happy to find some at my local Korean grocery store. These Milwon buns are made with black rice, which gives them a speckled purple color. Each fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and has a red bean filling. The only positive thing I can say about this product is that it's not too sweet. Otherwise... (read more) 1.5/5.0

korean redbean asian milwon black rice steamed bread 1.5 avoid
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Mitsuwa Chicago mochi red bean cake: Rubbery texture outside, difficult to chew, filling ok. overall, not worth it. 1.5/5.0

mitsuwachicago mochi red bean cake avoid sweets
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Nestle LZ: A Bulgarian white chocolate bar that is aerated so that it's not solid.the bar is divided into smaller segments that can be broken off, a bit like a Hershey's bar but not flat. The overly sweet and fatty white chocolate, combined with its waxy mouthfeel, reminds me why I would never select to eat white chocolate on my own. 1.0/5.0

nestle lz chocolate whitechocolate avoid munchpak candy 1.0
2017 06 20 12.30.31

Nestle Lemon Splash: Quite simply terrible. No one should have to drink this. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Horribly artificial lemon water. I took one sip and used the rest to water a plant. 0.0/5.0

avoid drinks nestle lemon splash 0.0