4.5 (128)
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Happy Ice Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar: This is the famed, verging notorious, Taiwanese brown sugar boba iced tea bar, containing tapioca balls, that have been sold out everywhere. The person who was able to purchase it did not reveal its source but did say that there were multiple boxes available at this unnamed shop in the city of Los Angeles. The bar is a true work of science, with the tapioca balls retaining its iconic stretchy and chewy consistency despite being embedded in a frozen ice cream bar that tastes exactly like br... (read more) 4.5/5.0

recommended icecream taiwanese boba milktea happyice brown sugar ice cream bar 4.5
998817915724924012 1397986312

Happy Lemon lemon green tea: Perfectly balanced tea drink with just the right amount of sweetness. Refreshing and acidic. Not shy on lemon flavor but not overpowering either. Exceptionally good! 4.5/5.0

happylemon lemon tea exceptional greentea drinks citrus green 4.5
A370d86f 0620 4a22 a366 fafdb57b314c

Happy Lemon Dragonfruit slush with salted cheese cream: A seasonal drink from Happy Lemon featuring a caffeine-free fruit slush topped with salted cheese foam. The dragon fruit has a refreshingly tart flavor, like berries and kiwi combined, and the slight savor ones of the cream gives it a great balance, like salted whipped cream. One of my favorite fruit slush drinks of recent memory. 4.5/5.0

exceptional drinks happylemon dragonfruit slush salted cheese cream 4.5
850164693851210827 1397986312

Harvest dried blueberries: Addictingly good. A ton of flavor, perfect for adding to oatmeal or hot cereal. 4.5/5.0

blueberries driedfruit fruit coop cambridge harvest exceptional dried 4.5
935567215268497079 1397986312

Health Warrior apple cinnamon chia bar: A power snack that is small in size but packs a punch. Chewy, but has great texture from chia seeds. Somehow, it is miraculously hydrating. The apple cinnamon flavor has just the right amount of sweetness and spice. Overall, a fantastic snack choice. Thanks to @champika_f for the introduction! 4.5/5.0

healthwarrior chiabar chia applecinnamon glutenfree bar exceptional apple cinnamon 4.5
781196314356778116 1397986312

Herb Lyceum cranberry lavender lemonade: Fantastic refreshing drink that's surprisingly light and faintly floral. Available by the cup at the Kendall Square farmers market. 4.5/5.0

drinks exceptional kendallsquare herblyceum cranberry lavender lemonade 4.5