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Happy Ice Brown Sugar Boba Ice Cream Bar: This is the famed, verging notorious, Taiwanese brown sugar boba iced tea bar, containing tapioca balls, that have been sold out everywhere. The person who was able to purchase it did not reveal its source but did say that there were multiple boxes available at this unnamed shop in the city of Los Angeles. The bar is a true work of science, with the tapioca balls retaining its iconic stretchy and chewy consistency despite being embedded in a frozen ice cream bar that tastes exactly like brown sugar milk tea, which is equal parts sweet and creamy. They really did manage to get the flavor and texture exactly right, which makes me understand why there is so much hype around this snack. If you can get it, it is worth it! 4.5/5.0

recommended icecream taiwanese boba milktea happyice brown sugar ice cream bar 4.5