2.5 (280)
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2017 01 22 18.13.38

Guerrero Chicharron de Cerdo: Picked from the bottom shelf, this bag of cracklins' unembellished packaging indicates that it contains "fried out pork fat with attached skin." Not a snack I can imagine finding easily at a large supermarket chain in the Northeast. While it's high in fat and sodium, it disappointingly falls short, with a dense, crunchy texture and lack of any distinct flavor. For a high calorie snack, I was hoping for a much bigger payoff. 2.5/5.0

safeway fat guerrero chicharron de cerdo 2.5
Img 9550

Dandies Vanilla Marshmallows: Vegan marshmallows. Much more resilient than Jetpuffs, with a chewy but firmer texture. Stronger vanilla flavor as well, but tastes overwhelmingly sweet. Irregularly shaped- some are as big as jumbo-sized marshmallows, while others are like two stacked mini-marshmallows combined. At $5 a bag, they aren't worth the price. 2.5/5.0

berkeleybowl sweets dandies vanilla marshmallows 2.5
2017 01 13 12.35.07

Naturebox Aplpe CInnamon Yogurt Bar: Another complimentary snack on Delta, this dense granola bar has a layer of yogurt icing on the bottom. Its flavor is exactly the same as the Quaker apple cinnamon microwavable hot cereal packs, and the yogurt has the same waxy texture as yogurt-covered pretzels. It's really sweet. 2.5/5.0

granola delta flight naturebox aplpe cinnamon yogurt bar 2.5
Img 9469

Fuller Foods Seriously Cheesy Puffs Sriracha flavored baked cheese puffs: Hand crafted artisanal cheese puffs made in Portland, Oregon. Sounds like a Portlandia sketch, but true story. The cheese puffs are thinner and longer than typical cheese puffs, like 1.5x the volume of a Cheetos puff. Sriracha flavored puffs have a dark red orange coating. Spicy flavor builds up quickly. Lacks the familiar sweetness of Sriracha, and tastes less like the Asian hot sauce and more like a stronger western one. Texture is very good - crispy yet airy, but flavor is quite frankly s... (read more) 2.5/5.0

cheesepuffs berkeleybowl fullerfoods seriously cheesy puffs sriracha flavored baked cheese 2.5
2016 12 28 20.22.28

I-Tea Pomelo Green Tea with Aloe: I was super surprised to find an i-Tea at the San Francisco Premium Outlets and purchased a round of drinks for my family. This location, though, proved that not all i-Teas are created equal. The pomelo green tea I had was fairly average as far as fruit teas go, with an artificial citrus flavor that made the beverage more of a juice than a tea. Chewy and crunchy cubes of aloe were a bit better, though still not much different than what you might find at a normal Asian tea shop. The 3G, w... (read more) 2.5/5.0

drinks itea fruit citrus pomelo green tea aloe 2.5
2016 12 17 15.59.27

Trader Joe's Peppermint Pretzel Slims: A festive take on yogurt pretzels, these flat pretzels have a white "coating" (essentially palm oil mixed with milk solids) and crushed candy cane on top. Together, they compose a crunchy minty snack that's pretty well balanced and avoids tasting like a breath mint. High in saturated fat, with a low serving size (4 pretzels). 2.5/5.0

traderjoes peppermint pretzel slims 2.5