Morinaga Strawberry aloe yogurt: I will miss aloe yogurt, with it's combination of tangy loose yogurt and chewy, juicy aloe cubes. While it seems like the soft-on-soft textures might not be a match, they are unexpectedly harmonious. This strawberry version has the typically sweet berry flavor you'd expect alongside small pieces of strawberry. I like it as much as the original -- it's definitely a standard snack you can find anywhere, but it's dependably good. 3.5/5.0
recommended japanese aeon morinaga strawberry aloe yogurt 3.5Morinaga Mango yogurt with aloe cubes: Pieces of aloe in creamy yogurt did not seem appealing to me when I first moved to Japan, but now having it for breakfast or a small snack feels like a daily routine. Generally, the Morinaga yogurt is runny and has a slightly tart flavor, and the cubes of aloe add a burst of juicy sweetness. The aloe yogurts come in a variety of fruit flavors a nd have bits of fruit inside on top of the aloe; the mango version is a nice tropical treat. 3.5/5.0
recommended japanese morinaga mango yogurt aloe cubes 3.5Morinaga Peach yogurt with aloe cubes: I was surprised how much I enjoy the yogurt with aloe cubes, which is both sweet and tart. This peach flavored one is pretty good too, but I prefer the original; the peach flavor is kind of a generic peach, similar to Yoplait, and is sweeter than the original, which throws the balance off a bit. If you are interested in trying yogurt with aloe, I'd go for the classic. 3.0/5.0
yogurt japanese morinaga peach aloe cubes 3.0Morinaga Milk Aloe Yogurt: Chewy juicy aloe cubes is not something I would have naturally paired with creamy tart yogurt, but the combination works surprisingly well together. Overall, the flavor of the yogurt is pretty mild, so the dominant taste comes from the aloe, which always for some reason reminds me of sprite in terms of flavor (vaguely citrus like, thirst quenching). 3.5/5.0
recommended japanese morinagamilk aloe yogurt 3.5Mr. Wish Mango passion fruit babo drink with aloe: I was sad when I learned that Mr Wish in Flushing had closed, but the franchise has quickly expanded to many other locations in the city, so it’s actually easier to find now. I purchased a mango and passionfruit babo drink with aloe from the Williamsburg location. Originally I thought babo was a typo, but it’s a name they’ve given to their carbonated, non-tea fruit drinks. They just use fresh fruit, so I didn’t adjust the sweetness level. The textures in this drink, from the fruit pulp to th... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended nyc drinks brooklyn Williamsburg mrwish mango passion fruit babo drink aloe 3.5Boba Guys Lychee Green Milk Tes with aloe: I wanted to order one of the seasonal fruit drinks from Boba Guys at Canal St Market, but they aren’t able to adjust the sweetness level on their all-fruit drinks. Instead, I purchased their lychee green tea with aloe. Even at 25% sweetness, I found the tea a tad too sweet for my taste, but the sugar may have come from the aloe, which nonetheless had a satisfyingly firm bite. The milk tea otherwise had a creamy and clean flavor. Sometimes fruit teas don’t mix so well with milk, but lychee an... (read more) 3.5/5.0
drinks milktea nyc bobaguys lychee green milk tes aloe 3.5