Gelatiamo Organic Peach Sorbetto: Gelatiamo is a gelato brand from Seattle you can find in local restaurants. Their peach sorbetto was excellent - very smooth and perfectly captures the sweet and tart flavor of a fresh peach. A little bit sweet for my taste, but not overly sweet by normal standards. 4.0/5.0
recommended seattle gelatiamo organic peach sorbetto 4.0Naia Berry Collection Fruit Bars (Strawberry, Blackberry, and Raspberry Sorbetto): After having the excellent citrus collection fruit pops from Naia, I purchased a follow up set the next time I went grocery shopping at Ballard Market. While these berry flavors are more familiar, they are not at all ordinary. I loved getting to taste the texture of the seeds and was impressed by how accurately each captured the berries at their seasonal peak. The blackberry was my favorite, but all of them were entirely enjoyable and very well balanced - sweet treats that capture the tru... (read more) 4.5/5.0
exceptional frozen naia berry collection fruit bars blackberry raspberry 4.5 strawberry sorbetto ballardmarketCiao Bella raspberry sorbetto: I purchase this on sale, where it had clearly been left in the freezer a little too long (it was covered in ice). The sorbet at the top of the container was icier than I would expect, but I suspect that's from the way it was previously frozen. Past that, the sorbet was good, with a very concentrated raspberry flavor. Overall, it was very sweet, but in small servings, it was refreshing. 3.5/5.0
sorbetto sorbet raspberry ciaobella frozen 3.5