potato (80)
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Pxl 20210121 061117456

Calbee 大人の ポテリッチ カマンベールベーコン味 Camembert Bacon Flavor Potato Chips: According to the press release for this limited edition flavor, Calbee introduced a line of ポテリッチ "Potato Rich" chips for adults in October 2020 partially in response to the trend of increased drinking at home due to the pandemic – these chips are meant to pair well with alcohol. The combination of meat with cheese was surprising to me, and as far as I know is not actually something that's done here in Japan. The actual flavor is a combination of bacon and camembert, and you can definitely... (read more) 3.0/5.0

chips japanese camembert bacon lawson calbee 大人の ポテリッチ カマンベールベーコン味 flavor potato 3.0
Pxl 20210111 105813302

Koikeya Mozzarella and lemon potato chips: In theory, this unexpected mozzarella and lemon combination seems like it would be a bit odd, but it's actually surprisingly good, like a more creamy and mild sour cream and onion flavor with a lemon kick. The acidic lemon seasoning is the first taste you get, but the chips have a milky and tangy finish, almost like a sour yogurt. I'm generally not a big fan of the cheese flavored snacks I've had here in Japan, but this is definitely an exception. Purchased at Lawson 100. 4.0/5.0

lawson japanese recommended cheese potatochips koikeya mozzarella lemon potato chips 4.0
Pxl 20201022 113715960

Nissin Annoimo Waguri sweet potato cookies: I grew up eating coconut sable biscuits from Asian grocery stores, the type that has scalloped edges and a glazed coating with flakes of sugar. I like them so much that i made the biscuit my avatar for Tasty Snacking. It turns out that in Japan, there are extended flavors of this basic coconut cookie. For autumn, they have a sweet potato flavor with decorative packaging featuring maple leaves and chestnuts. I was pretty amazed by how concentrated they were able to get the sweet potato flav... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese lawson sweetpotato biscuits nissin annoimo waguri sweet potato cookies 3.5
Pxl 20200924 095757908

Tohato All Osatsu Sweet Potato Cookies: A classic snack in Japan is yakiimo, purple Japanese sweet potatoes roasted over hot stones and served from street carts. This beloved snack makes its way into seasonal flavors of grocery store products, including biscuits, cookies, and even ice cream (I've seen Haagan Dazs sweet potato ice cream, for example). These cookies from Tohato are almost like mini pies, with a glazed puffed crust and chewy interior containing bits of roasted sweet potato flavored with honey. The bag contains indivi... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese cookies aeon tohato all osatsu sweet potato 3.5
Img 20200830 184038

Koikeya Demonic Consomme Strong Potato Cihps: I wasn't sure of the exact flavor of these potato chips when I purchased them – the packaging features roasted onion, garlic, and chicken wings, all alongside a demo stirring a cauldron of beige-colored broth. I have had other potato chips from this line of Strong potato chips, ridged potato chips claiming to have a more robust flavor offering than normal Koikeya chips. These tasted largely of sweet onion and black pepper to me, and after looking up the actual flavor from the Japanese on t... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese chips koikeya demonic consomme strong potato cihps 3.5
Img 20200806 111406

Calbee Black Pepper Potato Crisps: There are two Japanese versions of Pringles that I've seen on the shelves from major brands Calbee and YBC. Both come in familiar tennis-tube packaging and feature a hyperbolic paraboloid-shaped stackable chip. The differences are minor: the Japanese chips are a bit thicker and tend to taste more of fried potato than of their powdered flavoring. These black pepper flavored chips have a decent spiciness to them and are otherwise fairly expected – neither good nor bad. I recently learned t... (read more) 3.0/5.0

japanese inegaya calbee black pepper potato crisps 3.0