Koikeya Demonic Consomme Strong Potato Cihps: I wasn't sure of the exact flavor of these potato chips when I purchased them – the packaging features roasted onion, garlic, and chicken wings, all alongside a demo stirring a cauldron of beige-colored broth. I have had other potato chips from this line of Strong potato chips, ridged potato chips claiming to have a more robust flavor offering than normal Koikeya chips. These tasted largely of sweet onion and black pepper to me, and after looking up the actual flavor from the Japanese on t... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended japanese chips koikeya demonic consomme strong potato cihps 3.5Koikeya Strong Grilled Seafood Potato Chips: Koikeya has a line of STRONG potato chips, I guess indicating that they're bolder than regular potato chips. The ridged style is thinner than Ruffles, and more generally, I find that Japanese potato chips don't have the same substantial bite that American potato chips tends to have. This flavor reminded me a little bit of shrimp chips but it definitely had a slightly richer flavor, the type you get from imitation crab sticks. It was pretty decent but not one I find myself drawn to purchasi... (read more) 3.0/5.0
potatochips junkfood japanese lawson koikeya strong grilled seafood potato chips 3.0Koikeya Strong Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips: These chips taste like the Japanese version of Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion Chips except that the flavor is stronger on tangy sour cream taste, which I enjoy even more. I get the sense that Koikeya is sort of like the Frito Lay's of Japan, since their brands are everywhere and especially prominent in convenience stores. Overall, a familiar but comforting junk food flavor. 3.5/5.0
potatochips recommended Maruetsu japanese junkfood koikeya strong sour cream onion potato chips 3.5