junkfood (30)
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Frito Lay Cheetos ゴチパ Party Combo with Popcorn: Frito Lay has different flavors for American classics available in Japan, which I had already experienced with Doritos. This was my first time seeing Cheetos in Japan, and while the shape of crunchy Cheetos was familiar, the cheese flavoring and combination with plain popcorn was a departure. Using a combination of cheddar, gouda, and parmesan, the cheese powder has a milky more creamy flavor that I personally do not like, reminding me of powdered milk. And the snack overall is much less ... (read more) 2.0/5.0

japanese junkfood fritolay cheetos ゴチパ party combo popcorn 2.0
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Frito Lay Takoyaki Balls: I was both surprised and not surprised to find that Frito Lay has a presence in the snack aisles of Japan; I've seen Lay's potato chips and Cheetos corn snacks, but these Japan-specific takoyaki corn puffs were an exciting find. The corn puff balls are about the same size as cheese puffs in the US, and they're flavored with Otafuku Takoyaki sauce, which is a staple brand here for various condiments. Traditionally, takoyaki are battered octopus balls that are topped with a thick brown sauce... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended junkfood japanese queensisetan fritolay takoyaki balls 4.0
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Hwa Yuan Jenyowe Cuttlefish Crackers: From Taiwan, these seafood crackers are shaped like curled squid tentacles and have a vivid glazed orange color. They taste like a cross between shrimp crackers and fried calamari - definitely seafood flavored, but not easily pinpointed to a single type of underwater creature. Cost less than $2 for a bag at Hong Kong Supermarket in Manhattan's Chinatown. Not healthy, but tasty. 3.5/5.0

recommended seafood hongkongsupermarket taiwanese junkfood hwayuan jenyowe cuttlefish crackers 3.5
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Koikeya スコーン Barbecue Corn Snacks: These snacks are available everywhere in Japan and are like the Japanese-equivalent of crunchy Cheetos, but with bolder flavors. The barbecue flavor has more of a charred than smoky flavor and tastes more strongly of beef specifically (whereas in the US, chips taste more like the glaze you apply to meat). A solid savory flavor that is quite addictive. 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese junkfood koikeya スコーン barbecue corn snacks 3.5 inegeya
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Koikeya スコーン Quattro Cheese Corn Snacks: The powdered flavoring on these Cheeto-like Japanese corn snacks is a mix of four different cheese: gouda, camembert, mozzarella, and cheddar, and gives it a unique umami flavor that's particularly delicious. It's much more interesting than Cheetos, though just as strong, with a smoother and creamier cheese flavoring overall. Definitely worth trying! 4.0/5.0

recommended japanese junkfood koikeya スコーン quattro cheese corn snacks 4.0 inegeya
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Koikeya Strong Sour Cream and Onion Potato Chips: These chips taste like the Japanese version of Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion Chips except that the flavor is stronger on tangy sour cream taste, which I enjoy even more. I get the sense that Koikeya is sort of like the Frito Lay's of Japan, since their brands are everywhere and especially prominent in convenience stores. Overall, a familiar but comforting junk food flavor. 3.5/5.0

potatochips recommended Maruetsu japanese junkfood koikeya strong sour cream onion potato chips 3.5