japanese (360)
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Mito Yuzu Cider: This bottle of citrus soda from Shimane Prefecture, Japan, was purchased from Japan Village's Sunrise Mart in Brooklyn. The soda tastes like a citrus-leaning ramune; quite sweet, but the acidic yuzu flavor helps balance it out. Half a bottle was the perfect amount for me, which is also oddly the serving size listed on the nutrition facts. Would probably pair really well with savory food. As far as citrus sodas I've had, this is definitely above average. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks soda japanese mito yuzu cider 3.5
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Mont Thabor Turtle melon pan: I stopped by a bakery on my way to the train station and stumbled upon turtle melon-pan, which some may remember was the original avatar of Tasty Snacking until I designed my own. Having never seen one in person, I had to try it. The bread has a fairly standard dinner roll flavor, which is to say pretty neutral, while the "shell" of the turtle is sweet and reminiscent of Chinese pineapple bun, though less rich. It doesn't taste like melon (I believe it's called that for its appearance rather... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese bakery bread montthabor turtle melon pan 3.5
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Mont Thabor Ohina-sama Pastry: This week, I moved to a new part of Tokyo and left Azabu-Juban, the neighborhood I was living in for 3 months. One of my favorite parts of Azabu-Juban was its variety of small historic businesses: there was the original taiyaki shop, a nuts and beans shop that's over 100 years old, and this bakery, Mont Thabor, that opened in the neighborhood 40 years ago and has since expanded to several locations. The bakery overall was a solid neighborhood bakery - the prices are reasonable, and the pro... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended azabujuban bakery sweets japanese montthabor ohina-sama pastry 3.5
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Mont Thabor Chocolate Croissant: The best and most popular baked item from this shop is their Hokkaido milk bread, a pastry that can easily serve 2/3 people and consists of a fluffy baked bread with a sweet crumble coating. I had purchased it once but seemingly didn't photograph it, so here's a another item I purchased from the bakery instead. This is a chocolate croissant, shaped like a cornucopia, that has both a chocolate sandwich cookie at its end plugging a very rich and substantial chocolate filling. The entire pas... (read more) 3.0/5.0

pastry azabujuban dessert japanese montthabor chocolate croissant 3.0
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Mont Thabor Hot dog bread with cabbage: I ate this for my last lunch in Azabu Juban, purchased at the neighborhood bakery Mont Thabor. For some reason, a lot of asian pastry shops feature hot dogs in their savory breads. This hot dog bread had sour cabbage on top along with a drizzle of ketchup. It pretty much tasted exactly as it looks: salty from the hot dog, bitter from the cabbage, and sweet from the tomato ketchup. 3.0/5.0

azabujuban japanese bread montthabor hot dog cabbage 3.0
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Mont Thabor Hokkaido Milk Bread: I found the picture I took of the Hokkaido Milk Bread from Mont Thabor, a neighborhood bakery in Azabu Juban in Tokyo. One characteristic I've noticed of most bakeries in Tokyo that aren't chains like Starbucks is that they don't normally have any seating, with the idea that customers purchase items to eat at home. Unlike America, where it is normal for people to eat or drink while walking, in Japan, this is considered rude, so even if you purchase say a soft drink at a convenience store, ... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended desserts bread bakery azabujuban japanese montthabor hokkaido milk 3.5