greentea (34)
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945741770419111327 1397986312

Kikkoman Pearl organic green tea soymilk: Delicious soymilk drink that's also fortified with calcium and high in protein. Texture is smooth, and green tea flavor is very good. Well balanced and not overly sweet. Great flavored soymilk! 4.0/5.0

kikkoman greentea matcha pearl organic soymilk protein drinks recommended asian hmart kikkomanpearl green tea 4.0
951459286349022507 1397986312

Morgenstern's ice cream: Cardamom lemon jam ice cream was excellent-beautifully spiced, tart lemon cubes added texture and interest. Green tea pistachio did not taste of green tea at all-instead, was a very solid pistachio ice cream. High quality pistachio nuts throughout. Also sampled the burnt honey, which was too sweet. 4.0/5.0

nyc les icecream matcha greentea pistachio cardamom lemon jam recommended morgensterns ice cream 4.0
998814722576122917 1397986312

Happy Lemon lemon green tea with honey: An excellent blend of sweet, herbal, and acidic. Great lemon flavor, incredibly refreshing. 4.0/5.0

happylemon recommended taiwanese lemon greentea honey drinks green tea 4.0
1146099893942912986 1397986312

Ito En Oi Ocha unsweetened green tea: A favorite at sushi restaurants, this bottled green tea drink is refreshing and thirst quenching, especially when chilled. The packaging says Japan's #1 green tea brand, but closer inspection reveals this product is made in Taiwan. A classic and pure tea product. 4.0/5.0

itoen tea greentea drinks japanese taiwanese recommended 4.0 oi ocha unsweetened green
1252566697216607465 1397986312

Boba Guy's lychee green milk tea: A balanced beverage that is fruity, floral, and creamy all at the same time. 4.0/5.0

bobaguysnyc drinks milktea lychee matcha greentea 4.0 recommended bobaguys green milk tea
Pxl 20210531 222207275

Omomo Tea Shop Matcha Cortado: Is bubble tea ever worth waiting an hour in line for? Maybe not, but when 90% of the line is made up of Asian customers in Irvine, it's probably a good sign. This popular bubble tea shop has two locations in Irvine, and this unassuming shop in the middle of a large strip mall, sandwiched between a Ralph's and CVS, unfortunately only takes in-person orders (the other location has an online ordering system). I went with my family and was able to sample four different drinks, but the one I o... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended irvine bubbletea greentea omomoteashop matcha cortado 4.0